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If I don't agree, I cannot use the TV that was ALREADY PURCHASED UNDER A DIFFERENT AGREEMENT!

And I just read some of it. I don't agree.
I want my money back. The TV we bought did not have this forced agreement.

That's it! I'm fucking done. My next "TV" is just going to be a monitor. I don't want anymore smarts in what's just being used as a display


If you read it, it's forced arbitration, with a fucking waiting period, and if I'm not happy with that and try to sue, they can sue me instead.

Two Teks in a trench coat

@kiri @hellomiakoda Hard agree. If I didn't sign a contract when I bought the thing, damned if I'm acknowledging their ToS.


@kiri I wouldn't be mad if there was a disagree button, a week grace period under the old agreement, and then it just logs out and became a dumb TV.
This? You can see my PS4 displaying behind it. I even tried unplugging and replugging the TV. You cannot use the hardware in any way shape or form without agreeing. No where in the old agreement did it say the TV I bought could become a paperweight at roku's discretion.


@kiri I have the smaller version of this same TV upstairs in my room... BUT, I had logged out and put it in "dumb mode" (it's not as dumb as I want it) and thus did not get that pop up (that I know of. I had it unplugged the past 2 days to test a different TV with my PS5)
It better not get that pop up.
This one with it... You can't even access factory reset or any of the options to go to dumb mode!


All I want in a TV is plenty of inputs (at least ³ hdmi, 5 is better, and some legacy inputs), CEC, Arc, and nothing else.
I don't want apps on it. I don't want wifi on it.
I don't want dynamic contrast and recognizing what I watch to tell me where else I can pay for it...
Input, spit it out to the pixels, make speaker cones move. Thats IT!


I got the same message on my TV the other day, too, and it's already been noticeably declining in quality for a couple years anyway.

*Definitely* going with dumb displays from now on.


Good luck finding one. When I wasn't so dangerously poor, I looked for one to replace my piece of shit Roku. I fucking HATE the Roku TV. First one died way too early.
It sounds like shit without the sound bar. Wheb I was using the smarts, it's sluggish as fuck, creepy, tries to tell me where to stream whatever I'm watching - but decided my video games were shows...
And why would I buy whatever is on? I obviously already have access to it by DVR, DVD, or air, or something.


I've only made cursory searches for dumb TVs, but I'm certainly aware they're tough to find and very very expensive. I just hope I don't *need* a new TV before I can afford one I'll be happy with.

I've missed most of the creepy stuff from Roku. I run a pi-hole on my network which the router passes *all* my traffic through and that seems to be successfully blocking my TV from phoning home to Roku's telemetry and ad servers. I highly recommend setting up a pi-hole if you have the means and the spoons to manage one. It does a lot more than just block Roku tracking.

I've only made cursory searches for dumb TVs, but I'm certainly aware they're tough to find and very very expensive. I just hope I don't *need* a new TV before I can afford one I'll be happy with.

I've missed most of the creepy stuff from Roku. I run a pi-hole on my network which the router passes *all* my traffic through and that seems to be successfully blocking my TV from phoning home to Roku's telemetry and ad servers. I highly recommend setting up a pi-hole if you have the means...

Rob Vanwey

@hellomiakoda I've made the argument about why TOS should be regulated and, oddly enough, it started with TVs.


@hellomiakoda I already sent off my opt out with a nice P.S. about dick move something something.


@hellomiakoda there are commercial tv's that have none of this crap at all. largely because businesses would never tolerate it. they are at least double the price. they also, supposedly, have a longer mean time before failure relative to "consumer" tv's.

ND Dev

@homelessjun @hellomiakoda
Yep. That's what we'll do when we have to replace our TV. (But that won't be this year.)

Try searching the Web for "commercial display" or "digital signage display". They're expensive, but not outrageously so. :pdx_badge:

@hellomiakoda I noticed that email from Roku today. That's irritating because my LG sucks more every month, has gotten really slow, and I was planning on buying a Roku this week. I had a good experience with whatever model was current 10 years ago.

Hardware should not be allowed to do that. It makes me want to arbitrate something.


@hellomiakoda There seems to be a lot of folks online saying to deny it Internet access. Some are even saying drill out or unsolder the wifi chip


@hellomiakoda @randomgeek I will never, under any circumstances, buy a tv that requires an internet connection, and the one I buy will never see an IP address in its life. This is pure madness.

Rocky 🏳️‍⚧️

@hellomiakoda and smart TV apps are low key not very usable 💀

Crash, freeze, bottleneck…

D. B. Stuck


Yes. That's my plan too. I'll be getting the largest monitor I can instead of a smart TV when my current one dies. I'm not buying a TV that requires an account to even watch broadcast TV from an antenna.

Neko May

@hellomiakoda I bought a commercial TV. It's "smart" but there's no apps, no connection necessary; it's like a TV from 2010 but it's 4K!

Cinnamon The Moth
@hellomiakoda life hack: Linux box plugged to non-smart tv


Why do I sense a back to basics movement? Today, a monitor and a NUC suffice. A tuner would be fine for broadcast.


@hellomiakoda name and shame! name and shame! what tv is it?

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