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6 posts total
R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

Someone needs to write an videogame called "Dopamine Farming" where you have a stable job and a great life and all of a sudden DONT care about anything in the world and start planning things around the dopamine they will produce so you can get through the day, like, "Time for a haircut! I don't need one that badly, but that's fifteen dopamine points, so I'll take it!"

tulpa :fedora: :GrapheneOS:

@RL_Dane Needlessly distrohopping! 10 dopamine points!


@RL_Dane ADHD and distro hopping is a bad mix especially when you can spin up VM's willy nilly 😆😕

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

Maybe harvesters are slamming the @internetarchive in order to scrape pre-AI-generated data because they KNOW that all AI-generated data is garbage!

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

Dear @mozilla
Please, please, please put the RSS indicator back in Firefox.

People need to know about this technology which empowers users over greedy, controlling corporations.

Update: As many have pointed out, you *can* use @thunderbird as an RSS feed reader, and there are many add-ons to restore the RSS indicator (one of which I'm already using). But my point is that Firefox needs to lean into RSS as an answer to all the crap that is the modern web, and help educate users about it

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

Don't ever say "slack" to me, expecting me to think of a horrid corporate chat system. Never used it, never want to.

Slack is Slackware. (Even though I've never used *that*, either. Someday!!)

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Jarek Rozanski 📈


I used Slackware since 3.6 and then for many many years.

Never referred to it as "slack" 😉

Ji Fu
@RL_Dane you think the "I use Arch" guys where bad...
R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

What is your of choice?

A just for fun
Kindly :D

Anonymous poll


cd/ls, duh! or something else (comment below! :D)
23 people voted.
Voting ended 8 Nov 2022 at 0:02.
Benjamin Hollon 🇺🇸🇲🇾🇮🇳🇦🇫

@RL_Dane I don't use a file manager. :)

trash to trash files
ls/cd for navigation, etc.
mimeopen for opening files
mv to move/rename files
cp to copy files

You get the gist. :)

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