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R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

Don't ever say "slack" to me, expecting me to think of a horrid corporate chat system. Never used it, never want to.

Slack is Slackware. (Even though I've never used *that*, either. Someday!!)



"You're a slacker!"

-- Principal Strickland

Bryan Redeagle

@RL_Dane The only slack I know is sold by a man with a pipe.

Bryan Redeagle

@RL_Dane The Church of the Subgenius. A fake religion made to make fun of Scientology. The followers primary goal is to collect as much slack as possible through various means. Their figure head is a man named J.R. "Bob" Dobbs. He looks like a generic 1950s man smoking a pipe, and is the ultimate salesman.

Slackware was named after the church.

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

Ohhhh... I remember reading about that like 20 years ago.

Charadon If you're on the fence because Slackware installs everything. I've been having a good time with Salix, which adds dependency management to Slackware while keeping the same feel =)

yakkoj 🦊

@RL_Dane I started using Linux on Slackware in 1995

Slack-the-messenger is what happens when Electron meets corporate bureaucracy


@dottorblaster @RL_Dane

I've always had a soft spot for good old slackware, I've also never used it, but when I started out with linux it was the arch of those days :)

Jarek Rozanski 📈


I used Slackware since 3.6 and then for many many years.

Never referred to it as "slack" 😉

Ji Fu
@RL_Dane you think the "I use Arch" guys where bad...
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