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R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:

Someone needs to write an #ADHD videogame called "Dopamine Farming" where you have a stable job and a great life and all of a sudden DONT care about anything in the world and start planning things around the dopamine they will produce so you can get through the day, like, "Time for a haircut! I don't need one that badly, but that's fifteen dopamine points, so I'll take it!"

tulpa :fedora: :GrapheneOS:

@RL_Dane Needlessly distrohopping! 10 dopamine points!

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:



"Arch-based distro nuked grub! -100 points! Argh!"

Listening to your Republican church friends talk about... ANYTHING other than genuine faith or totally banal subjects. MINUS FIVE MILLION POINTS!!!! Yow!

Distrohopping is the best game ever! Love Gnome Boxes for this.  ðŸ’¯
It's time I start playing again. 😉

@RL_Dane ADHD and distro hopping is a bad mix especially when you can spin up VM's willy nilly 😆😕

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:


There was a great little website called distrotest dot net where you could spin up a bespoke VM at a moment's notice and access it through a JS-based vnc client.

It was kinda choppy, performance-wise, and there was no networking provided (for pretty obvious reasons), but it was still great to test various distros and even BSDs out with.

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