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4 posts total
(((o))) Acoustic Mirror

We need a very long, compound German word for the feeling here on the #Fedi of missing a particular account from previous-decade social media enclosures.

You wish they moved over, and miss them dearly, but deep inside you know it's not going to happen.

(((o))) Acoustic Mirror

Since we had a bit of a @lurk outage last night, and since @pixelfed just rolled out their shiny and new Instagram Import feature, I took the opportunity to test run it.

Amazing: the whole process was smooth and easy. There are some limitations, of course: you need to manually select which pictures to import, and there's a top limit of 1000 images - but a couple of hours later, I had just over 750 IG posts from between 2013 and 2023 up on my pixelfed account:


Magic! So thank you, @pixelfed, for doing the hard work and making life so easy for us. Also, thanks to @NGIZero for funding the development of this.


Since we had a bit of a @lurk outage last night, and since @pixelfed just rolled out their shiny and new Instagram Import feature, I took the opportunity to test run it.

Amazing: the whole process was smooth and easy. There are some limitations, of course: you need to manually select which pictures to import, and there's a top limit of 1000 images - but a couple of hours later, I had just over 750 IG posts from between 2013 and 2023 up on my pixelfed account:

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♞ Pixel Prophecy 🇺🇦🇪🇺

@acousticmirror Finally being officially vindicated by this meme here! Thank you for posting the one and only CORRECT way of doing it!

64 Islands Airship Co-op

@acousticmirror or be thoroughly up to date and switch to U+202F NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE throughout

(((o))) Acoustic Mirror

Could we please... stop calling it "migration"? And could we please stop referring to people who swap one online service for another as "refugees"? Pretty please?

Can-crisociality 🦀〰️🥫

@acousticmirror I don't mind migration as a descriptor/metaphor but I agree 100% on refugee (and I suppose "migrant" is iffy)



Yes, we can call them platform-changer.

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