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@acousticmirror <one leading tab of 8 spaces width, followed by levels of 4 spaces> #openBSD


@acousticmirror I've heard of safe spaces, but safe tabs? not so much. I think Rust should remove support for this unsafe feature

Matthew Booth

@acousticmirror This is why I call it invisible source code! I prefer my semantics in plain sight.


@acousticmirror thanks for supporting the right side of the argument


@acousticmirror This reminds me of Silicon Valley 🀣

Gabriel Pettier

@acousticmirror funny but would be nice to add a description!

Edit: my bad, there is one indeed!

Gabriel Pettier

@acousticmirror oh my bad, misunderstood the lack of content in preview when i reboosted, thanks for doing it!


@acousticmirror And yet, as soon as I mention that I set my editor to display tabs with a width of three spaces, these two "opposing" camps seem to have no problem agreeing that I should be burned at the stake.


@vanderZwan @acousticmirror The optimal tab width is 𝑒. It's wide enough to be obvious, but not so wide as to reduce line length too much. Plus, it discourages the use of tabs for alignment by being the number most difficult to approximate with any integer number of spaces.


@andrewt @acousticmirror From now on I will judge text editors by their ability to support non-integer indentation width


@acousticmirror Nice one.
Edge case: In shell script "here documents" you actually need *both* (first a tab, then indentation using spaces) if you want to have indented text/code in your heredoc while retaining your current script indentation level (e.g. heredoc with code inside a function).

. stdh .

@hambier @acousticmirror Oh dear, you found a situation that actually requires tabs and spaces mixed! Shell script is so πŸ”₯ :blobcatgooglytrash: πŸ”₯


@acousticmirror tabs need to die by fire and with furious anger

David Nash

@acousticmirror (gets used to having a decided preference for spaces)

(starts programming in Go)



@number137 @acousticmirror #Python should have already cursed you with an opinion before you get to #YAML 😸


@acousticmirror No feeling worse than hearing that space bar a dozen times next to you.


@harney @acousticmirror They just need to configure their editor to insert a given number of spaces when they hit the TAB key.

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​

@acousticmirror The original safe-space debate.

All whitespace matters.

Craig Nicol

@acousticmirror I remember working on a codebase that used a single space for indentation because otherwise the nested blocks didn't fit on the screen.

So yes, set the tab stop to 1 and keep everyone... Happy?


@acousticmirror where’s the love for non-breaking spaces??? :P


@acousticmirror Just like how it's not pronounced gif, it's pronounced gif.

β™ž Pixel Prophecy πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί

@acousticmirror Finally being officially vindicated by this meme here! Thank you for posting the one and only CORRECT way of doing it!

64 Islands Airship Co-op

@acousticmirror or be thoroughly up to date and switch to U+202F NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE throughout

Kludge Guru

@acousticmirror πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘

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