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I really struggle with being able to separate Pixelfed from my personal life on this account.

Pixelfed feels like my whole identity on the fediverse, and its awkward when I am personal because it feels like I'm using my position with Pixelfed to my advantage.

It feels fake and I hate that

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Coralie Mercier

@dansup may I suggest you read about the 4 toltec agreements (in particular 3 on not making assumptions)?


I dunno, I don't feel too surprised when I see personal stuff on your feed. maybe it's because I'm a hipster who followed you fairly early on(?) tho.

If you feel too much like a rockstar tho, you could always start a new, lower-profile account on a different server. I have two different accounts, one here for regular dev and tech stuff and one for interfaith and random musings about spirituality.

Григорий Клюшников

To me, it feels somewhat strange that people who don't speak Russian follow this account where I mostly post personal stuff in Russian. As opposed to the one on where I mainly post Smithereen stuff in English. But, yeah, at some point I realized that I do have this separation. You have a separate account for Pixelfed, so it's definitely fine to use this account as your personal one.


Since Russia is banning Instagram I decided to re-open registrations. knows no borders, and welcomes everyone who abides by the rules! #pixelfed #instagram

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Wilmar Igl

@dansup Join a platform for civil resistance actions for science, people power and a livable future!


@dansup The big media like twitter/youtube/instagram ..etc blocked Russia, not Russia blocked them.


Started documenting federation in #pixelfed, want to get this finished by the end of the month 🤞 #activitypub

smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)

@dansup this is super! Delighted to see the #ActivityPub parts of the app being documented this way. I'd highly encourage any #Fediverse project to take the time to do the same, as it will greatly help devs in building integrations with other apps and create less subtle incompatibilities in the process.


Borgle 2/28/22
11 words found (73% of goal)



I'm of the opinion that big fedi instances are more likely to be overwhelmed by spam to the degree that it affects their ability to handle other moderation duties.

I saw this first hand, thats why I added the autospam service to Pixelfed to classify likely spam so admins can focus on non-spam reports.

The result?

Pixelfed identifies and filters out spam better than any other fedi project making moderation much easier.


Filbert 1.1

I am glad that the beta version of mobile app will estimatingly launch in March, but when that moment comes, the instance admins should be careful with the newcomers. The problems that big social medias are facing right away like misinformation will be available too. Btw good luck with those progresses.


Pixelfed now loads faster with smaller bundle sizes thanks to webpack 5 (with dynamic imports and tree-shaking)! #pixeldev #webpack


Don't you just love plain good architected CSS modules 😂🤗


@dansup I've noticed the snappier speeds. Especially when browsing on a 90hz phone ⚡


Laravel 9 was released today! Lot's of exciting features I can't wait to use in #pixelfed

If you run an instance, update to PHP 8 so you're ready! #laravel


@dansup so that's going to be a requirement for future version ?

I am asking to prepare it for @yunohost packaging, that migration might be tricky 😅 (we are kind of disturbed with php 7.3 → 7.3 right now 😅)


I've tried my best to be a good maintainer to #pixelfed, and for the most part I've been really lucky to have such a supportive community.

That being said, negative feedback really hurts. I take it personally.

And that's not a bad thing because I'm able to fix it in most cases, and make the user(s) happy.

I finally fixed the most prominent bug in Metro 2.0, full width previews, and it really means a lot to me that users are happy with it.

Pixelfed really is powered by the people.

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Mariusz K. Grzeca

@dansup I think you're a really great maintainer. In 4 years you have created a really large, sophisticated and ambitious application on our own, something wonderful out of nothing. After such a time, you don't show symptoms of boredom, fatigue or burnout. On the contrary, you still surprise with creativity, developing new and interesting features, often working on many of them at the same time.


@dansup People still need to remember that Metro 2.0 is still in beta and won't be perfect until it's complete. Everyone also needs to remember that it's not as easy as changing a few lines of code to fix an issue. It may even take weeks to find the source for a bug and issue a fix.

Either way, all the best for the future of PixelFed.


Watched House of Gucci last night, it was good 👍


It feels like this will be a good year for the #fediverse!

Finding out that #mastodon got a grant from @NGIZero to work on Groups made my year.

I'm so thrilled they got accepted and will be working on this endeavour, this will benefit the whole fediverse! #activitypub

smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)

@dansup yes, congrats @Gargron and many thanks to @NGIZero

I am guessing that with #Pixelfed and #Mastodon on a compatible #ActivityPub Groups implementation, we should be able to finalize some great FEP's for groups and finally close the 2 year long open discussion on #SocialHub

And then maybe move on to Unbound Actors wrt Groups, direction where @diogo of #GNUSocial is moving towards.

Aurynn Shaw

@dansup @NGIZero yeah the Groups features sound really interesting and exciting, I am hype


@dansup @NGIZero And, the forthcoming milestone of 5 million fediverse accounts will stir up some publicity.

dansup development has resumed, the developer tools will be unavailable until further notice (we're improving them, they will be back). #fediDB #activitypub #fediverse


@shadowfacts Hey, Tusker isn’t working with the latest mastodon version, says “Invalid Model”


Good afternoon! Stayed up late adding custom emoji support to #pixelfed!

Will merge it after work 😉 #customEmoji


You know this is an opportunity to add more pig emoji


Don't mind me. :pixelfed: :badabing: :mastodon:


A reply with a custom emoji :pixelfed: :mastodon:


My TV has an anime screensaver that plays lofi beats lol


@dansup I'll have to put that on my list of things I want my SmartTV to do list.

How'd you do it?

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