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:pixelfed: Stories are a great way for me to share early development updates and gather feedback from people privately! #pixelfed #pixeldev


Almost 50k :pixelfed: users!

Can't believe we doubled our total user count in the past year, feeling so grateful!

Thanks to everyone who has been a part of our crazy journey, looking forward to the next year :blobaww: #pixelfed


Well that didn't take long, a spam account has posted a few stories lol

Maybe they don't realize they are only visible to followers


@dansup i want to follow that account lmao


So happy that people are using stories, even see a few federated ones 😁

How do you like the new stories? Anything we can improve? #pixelfed #askFedi

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Markus Mann

@dansup TBH i still don't get the purpose of those "stories" no matter which social network. When all i have to say isn't for long, then i don't have a point, right?

Blort™ 🐀Ⓥ🥋☣️

There really should be a way of viewing stories without notifying that you personally viewed it and when, just like email read receipts are generally optional.

It looks like you already have a warning page so how about just replacing the "Cancel" button with "View anonymously"?

Yes, the server admin could likely jump through hoops to figure out who viewed what regardless, but that doesn't justify automating this in the UI for every user.


Now I'm back on groups, I find the challenge is going to be discovery.

Using member count for suggestions probably isn't the ideal way to rank them. There is a section below the fold for groups your mutuals are in.

Any suggestions? #pixelfed #pixeldev #groups

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@dansup Maybe each group can be placed under a certain category?

Some categories can be:

Maybe even some tags so lets say I create a pokemon go group, and categorize the group under gaming but add a pokemon go tag.

Blort™ 🐀Ⓥ🥋☣️

If you go by user count or even most recently updated, you'll fall into the same trap of most social media, which is promoting the groups that are already the most popular over the groups that are the most relevant. This leads to a handful of groups dominating, while new, interesting ideas wither.

I would suggest you promote groups whose tags (for the group itself and the groups posts) match the user's tags (for their profile, posts and boosted posts). Match by topic, not popularity.

If you go by user count or even most recently updated, you'll fall into the same trap of most social media, which is promoting the groups that are already the most popular over the groups that are the most relevant. This leads to a handful of groups dominating, while new, interesting ideas wither.

Vegard (Hårfagre) Fjeldberg eo

@dansup I personally think it looks like bloat. Is it possible to disable the feature when it's released?


I wish there was a way to opt-out of GitHub's new high contrast light theme.

CMDR Yojimbosan UTC+(12|13)

@dansup Just opt out from GitHub. It isn't difficult. Why would you continue to use a platform that takes your code, asks what license you want, and then actively ignores your choice?


@dansup You can - it's called (or gitolite if you want to host it internally/yourself.)

Григорий Клюшников

There is. Install Stylus or something similar and have it your way ;)


Pixelfed Stories are federated using a custom activity type, bearcaps and only delivered to other :pixelfed: instances (for now). The bearcap object can only be fetched for 20 minutes, after that we rotate story media urls.

It works great, and to think we went from not-federating for so long to being the first AP-only project to use bearcaps!

#pixelfed #pixeldev


@dansup interesting, but what are bearcaps?


Donda and CLB are pretty good but I think Montero might be better. #music



Please consider opting out an update version for cloudron badly need messaging feature working


I can't believe I finally shipped federated stories!!! So happy right now 😁


@dansup Sounds interesting. Where can I find info about what a "Federated Story" is?


Now on to groups, live streaming and the mobile app 😅 #pixeldev


What do you mean with live streaming?

John Weeks :mastodon:

@dansup so many people live on mobile, can't wait to see the app

René Henrich

@dansup Can’t wait for the pixelfed app! That’s probably gonna give pixelfed a huge boost. Let me know when the beta starts.

Edward 86’

@dansup Same to you. ☕️ It is a late morning coffee on my end.


Just finished implementing the last bit of federation logic for stories! Will ship later today.

Stories will only be delivered to other :pixelfed: instances for now. #pixelfed #stories


In addition, we're using bearcaps and a limited time window for fetching the activity object. Story media urls will be rotated after the window closes.


Really excited for the Desktop Compose UI!

Had a blast building it, I hope people find it easier to use! #pixelfed #composeUI


@dansup Me too! Can't wait to see it official so I can reactivate my old self-hosted instance. There is no beta testing?



Could you please fix the compose error which doesn’t let compose this is my site

I cannot afford my friends to visit the site cause compose doesn’t work literally the drop down list which appears when entering a users name doesn’t work at all

Why aren’t you aware of this and why aren’t you bothered at all?

While composing is an essential feature


Think I might spin up a new pixelfed instance on to host a group or two. Registration would be closed, but that shouldn't be a problem 😉 #groups #activitypub #fediverse @activitypub


@activitypub or maybe, not sure which domain to use. Finally will get some use out of some of these domains 😅


@dansup @activitypub is there an update on how to help out with the pixelfed Android App?


Debating wether to add "system stories" that highlight new features in :pixelfed:. They would be included in migrations, so instance admins wouldn't have to create each one. Wdyt? #pixeldev #stories

Solinvictus :vm:

@dansup Would actually love to see that on :pixelfed:

On Revolut for example you have a story like that at the beginning of next month showcasing what features they introduced in the previous month, it's really cool because some features are not so easy to notice 😀


Decided to distinguish remote stories using a different colour ring. Wdyt? #pixeldev #stories

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