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91 posts total
Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:

apparently Christopher Belmont fought Dracula twice but not in the "greatest five" move, but Juste is despite never fighting him (not the real one).

At least J's badass.

Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:

modern GNU/Linux movement:

trying to get through drm
hoping proprietary software devs let GNU/Linux in
shilling proprietary software or solutions for it
promoting complicated (and unreliable) stuff like VFIO and dualboot so windows stays
barely ever mention freedom or GNU
not enough comfy stuff, overcomplication everywhere


modern GNU/Linux movement:

trying to get through drm
hoping proprietary software devs let GNU/Linux in
shilling proprietary software or solutions for it
promoting complicated (and unreliable) stuff like VFIO and dualboot so windows stays
barely ever mention freedom or GNU
not enough comfy stuff, overcomplication everywhere


@iska It's still in way better state than it ever was.
There were times when you had pretty good chances that half your hardware won't work like soundcard or winmodem (you actually wanted it to work!) or your USB ADSL-modem. Or you had to resort to ndiswrapper to get your wired network to work, if you used that sometimes you had to use wine to actually use internet because your ISP was fucked up in the head. And you had to install adobe flash plugin to use some websites 🤪
It WAS way worse.

Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:

no sudo or such
many apps and environments are chrooted
networked programs also in Xephyr or disconnected from X
guests and nonfree software live in vm
Hopefully coreboot and secure boot? (don't think latter is needed)
no sshd on host unless needed

future setup that'll make "secure"tards seethe :cirno_heh:​

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@iska >running nonfree software at all.
Coreboot is usually all proprietaryied up - you want libreboot.
Secure boot really doesn't beat libreboot Grub with pgp keys.

@iska use slackware, not conected to the internet sneed :dude_smug:


>be me
>jetbrains trial
>create a script to abooz the trial

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Soulfire the Wolf

@iska it seems as though this malware mainly targets any macOS user using pCloud, Yandex Disk, and Dropbox. And it primarily affects anyone with System Integrity Protection (SIP) disabled. Or are running Catalina 10.15.6 or earlier.

It does this by bypassing the Transparency Consent and Control (TCC), which basically gives prompts like

“X would like to record your screen, access your camera, etc.”

fuggy ファギー ☭⃠
@iska might have to try it in a VM could install it on hardware but getting drivers is a pain because it is (((gnu)))

I use Guix on Ubuntu for all my Guile projects actually


@iska the guide might not be I to date. Ie guix environment -> Guix shell etc. I’ve just installed GuixSD on anew one … must say it’s a bit awkward to go back in versions of gnome and having to build Firefox from scratch, but there are many other advantages of course.

Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:

pacman -S pipewire :drake_dislike:
make run :drake_like:

Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:

why does gitlab require javascript... (github doesn't)

Joshua Lee :kde: :emacs:

@iska github is written in ruby, no need for javascript.

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