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Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:

modern GNU/Linux movement:

trying to get through drm
hoping proprietary software devs let GNU/Linux in
shilling proprietary software or solutions for it
promoting complicated (and unreliable) stuff like VFIO and dualboot so windows stays
barely ever mention freedom or GNU
not enough comfy stuff, overcomplication everywhere



@iska It's still in way better state than it ever was.
There were times when you had pretty good chances that half your hardware won't work like soundcard or winmodem (you actually wanted it to work!) or your USB ADSL-modem. Or you had to resort to ndiswrapper to get your wired network to work, if you used that sometimes you had to use wine to actually use internet because your ISP was fucked up in the head. And you had to install adobe flash plugin to use some websites 🤪
It WAS way worse.

Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:


It's still in way better state than it ever was.

I'm talking about the movement, not Linux itself.

Linux desktop is great. :comfy:
we just need people to move here...


@iska Oh, yes, I forgot to make a point 😅
The community/movement couldn't afford being picky when you had to use flash to upload large files using web browser.
Free software definitely enjoys wider adoption nowadays so it's okay that not everyone is strict about having open firmware or having no DRM. Things are not getting worse, little-by-little they are getting better.

Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:

@drcounelis you know, like anticheats or whatever games put into themselves...


@iska vidyagames? And with anticheat? :luke_smith2:

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