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По подписанным сегодня правкам в закон «О связи» ( — на данный момент жду комментариев от юристов.

Правки актуальны только для новых пользователей из России. Для всех остальных ничего не изменится в любом случае. Наша задача тут — остаться доступными в РФ, где децентрализованные средства коммуникации действительно нужны.

У меня есть подготовленное решение для формального соответствия требованиям закона без нарушения приватности пользователей. Подробностей пока не будет.

По подписанным сегодня правкам в закон «О связи» ( — на данный момент жду комментариев от юристов.

Правки актуальны только для новых пользователей из России. Для всех остальных ничего не изменится в любом случае. Наша задача тут — остаться доступными в РФ, где децентрализованные средства коммуникации действительно нужны.

WerySkok :verified_think:

@dump_stack а наказания не прописаны за это?

Йошильда :CrabVerified:

@dump_stack вступают в силу 1 декабря, так что есть время


Как правильно перевести «я не в ресурсе» с щебетального на человеческий?

И что за «ресурс» в этом контексте?


@rayslava @alexanderniki @Evv1L @timur_sagdenov @strizhechenko @MrClon Спасибо вам!

Я то думал может они всё-таки придумали новое слово из-за того, что добавляется какой-то смысл. А оказалось, по большей части, — просто ради нового слова.


Mastodon is not the name of the network, but one of the implementations of ActivityPub.

Moreover, ActivityPub services are not limited to microblogging. There is also an alternative to YouTube → PeerTube (e.g. for users of our instance), Instagram → PixelFed, and Reddit → Lemmy.

Can you imagine being able to read, write, and repost comments on a YouTube video without leaving Twitter?

It's possible here. For me, that's the real killer feature.

Iron Raptor :verified:

Lemmy though needs a lot of work, and kbin is a hot mess.


Для новоприбывших будет полезно:
1. Mastodon это не название сети, а одна из реализаций ActivityPub;
2. ActivityPub сервисы не ограничиваются микроблогами:
— YouTube → PeerTube. Например, для пользователей нашего сервера есть;
— Instagram → PixelFed;
— Reddit → Lemmy.

Можете себе представить, что вы можете читать, писать, и даже ретвитить комментарии к ролику на YouTube не выходя из приложения для Twitter и даже не регистрируясь там?

У нас тут так можно.

Для новоприбывших будет полезно:
1. Mastodon это не название сети, а одна из реализаций ActivityPub;
2. ActivityPub сервисы не ограничиваются микроблогами:
— YouTube → PeerTube. Например, для пользователей нашего сервера есть;
— Instagram → PixelFed;
— Reddit → Lemmy.

Можете себе представить, что вы можете читать, писать, и даже ретвитить комментарии к ролику на YouTube не выходя из приложения для Twitter и даже не регистрируясь там?


Traveller's tip: Speaking the local language will increase the amount of stuff in your Subway sandwich.


It seems I was right. They really did develop it in a vacuum, unaware of the problems that have been known in the VR industry for years and already solved by competitors.

The funny thing is that the over-the-head strap is not really a solution either.

> To address the weight issue, Apple has developed a second strap that goes over a wearer’s head. But the company is considering selling that strap as an extra accessory rather than including it in the box.

It seems I was right. They really did develop it in a vacuum, unaware of the problems that have been known in the VR industry for years and already solved by competitors.

The funny thing is that the over-the-head strap is not really a solution either.

> To address the weight issue, Apple has developed a second strap that goes over a wearer’s head. But the company is considering selling that strap as an extra accessory rather than including it in the box.

Alexey Skobkin

They did a great job.

I am thinking about buying Meta Quest 🤔


Reminder: federated networks are more vulnerable to psyops than centralised services. Be more careful about what you read.

Besides, it's not as if we have fewer idiots here who are happy to parrot propaganda because it says what they want to hear.

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Meowski's Catgirl Grooming Service
@dump_stack "reminder" as if this is some fact we already agree on

@dump_stack idea that fedi somehow invulnerable to botfarms always seemed strange to me. If someone can register 100500 profiles in twitter or facebook, why he can't register 100500 profiles on 100500 fediverse nodes? Centralized service at least theoretically can analyze profiles and notice that Alice and Bob have suspiciously similar IP, fingerprint and request pattern. On fedi there is no entity that can do such check for and

Federated software let you make small walled garden more or less free from disturbing outsiders, but that strategy has size limit

Fedi is cool in may way, but protection from botferms not one of it strong sides

@dump_stack idea that fedi somehow invulnerable to botfarms always seemed strange to me. If someone can register 100500 profiles in twitter or facebook, why he can't register 100500 profiles on 100500 fediverse nodes? Centralized service at least theoretically can analyze profiles and notice that Alice and Bob have suspiciously similar IP, fingerprint and request pattern. On fedi there is no entity that can do such check for and


People: enjoyed cosy, non-toxic community in Mastodon.

Also people: work hard to make it exactly the same as it was on Twitter.

It is not about the platform, it is about you.


Excessive tenant protection laws are the biggest thing I hate as a tenant.

It creates a lot of roadblocks and makes every rental process an unimaginable invasion of privacy.

And I understand the owners very well. These laws would make me keep my own apartment empty rather than rent it out.


I've updated the Mastodon on to v4.1.0.

Good to know changes:
1. Added listing of followed hashtags (check the three dots button).
2. You can now edit media descriptions.

Full release notes:

Alexey Skobkin

Уже в Megalodon в профиле плашка роли появилась, а в вебне всё еще нет 🤷


Dear researchers,

When you send emails to instances' administrators, you're not doing a survey, you're doing spam.

The list of emails you have is not a list of respondents, it's a spam database.

There is no such thing as benevolent spam.


This one actually quite scary.

I hope that policymakers will stay away from federated social networks for as long as possible.

Mastodon and the ActivityPub network in general is a great example of self-regulation.

The only thing policymakers can do here is to ruin everything. Well, as they do with almost all regulations.


@dump_stack 😹

I filled out a survey last week that quite literally addressed how frequent they surveyed me. They won't allow free-text, we can only use ENUM values.


Outside Moscow, salaries are many times lower. That is true. But you have to remember that everyone in the regions has a vegetable garden and a plot of land. People from the regions eat from their gardens, raise poultry and cattle. So they only need money for clothes and utilities. So it is fair that their salaries are lower than in the capital, where they have to buy food, among other things. People work hard in the capital, the pace of life is crazy. In fact, Moscow supplies the whole country with resources, attracts foreign money and provides the regions with jobs, so its residents need a good, expensive holiday.

Outside Moscow, salaries are many times lower. That is true. But you have to remember that everyone in the regions has a vegetable garden and a plot of land. People from the regions eat from their gardens, raise poultry and cattle. So they only need money for clothes and utilities. So it is fair that their salaries are lower than in the capital, where they have to buy food, among other things. People work hard in the capital, the pace of life is crazy. In fact, Moscow supplies the whole country with...


@dump_stack what a terrible email. I get that they think it's a numbers game - but it really isn't.

i did same mistake once, in past ...

It's probably the first time I've had to clean it.

~5 years trouble-free.

Alexey Skobkin

I rarely write by hand. Some time ago I also needed to clean my pen because the ink got dry.
But in my case it was enough to use hot water.

What did you find inside?

CC @o2g

🎓 Dr. Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱

@dump_stack between every few refills fill it with water it and leave it nib down in a cup of water overnight, and never let it dry out... will never need to clean.


PeerTube at has also been successfully migrated to the new server.

Authentication has been updated to allow you to login with your username (not only your email as before).

I also configured email notifications, no idea why I didn't before.

Everything should work as expected, although I haven't tested the live streams yet.


I need some time to finally take a breakfast, then I'll explain what happened.

tl;dr: hardware failure; no data lost, everything is good.


It's 6 PM, and I just got my breakfast ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

One of our drives died today, but in a way that it blocked the boot process of the machine. So, I was waiting for the fix, which happened in a good enough time in the end.

Then zfs import -f zroot && zfs replace..., and we back to life like nothing happened.

We have daily database backups to another geographic location and all attachments are stored in S3. Even in case of total destruction of the data center, we can quickly restore the machine with exactly the same configuration thanks to NixOS, import database, and keep going.

So, nothing can happen to us except the short downtime.

It's 6 PM, and I just got my breakfast ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

One of our drives died today, but in a way that it blocked the boot process of the machine. So, I was waiting for the fix, which happened in a good enough time in the end.

Then zfs import -f zroot && zfs replace..., and we back to life like nothing happened.

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