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To any of you ADHD folks out there... help! What systems help get you off the computer/phone to go to bed at night?

My wifi turns off at 10pm and 10:30pm. My computer screen, too. And my phone runs And I have an alarm on my phone. It doesn't seem to be effective though. I just end up overriding each night. I desperately need to get to bed at a decent time each night.

Any ideas?

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@Blort Nothing works for me either. if my brain wants to run, it'll keep running. Only thing I can suggest is exercise to burn all the excess energy, and then slowly start pushing yourself to change your biological clock.

I've given up on it myself and accepted my fate as a night owl


My best working strategy is not to don't do things that withhold me but do other things intentionally.
If you desparately want to surf late at night nothing will really stop you (or your brain).

So start earlier and do some stuff instead that will calm you down and is somehow limiting but also cool enough to switch from your high dopamine surfing.
Maybe reading a book while drinking a tea and dimmed lights will do that for you. Or playing a relaxing game with time limitations.


I just saw this. I was looking forward to reading the replies.


Lexie I'd not helping me with my reo practice


Microsoft Recall is even worse than you think.

It has apparently been snuck into the Edge web browser even if you don't have the Windows version that adds it.

h/t @laimis who pointed out to me that starts with Windows 11 24H2; I only have 23H2.

BUT I found it in my Edge Browser which updated today to Version 125.0.2535.51.
The setting is:
{3 dots button} =>
Settings =>
Privacy Search and Services =>
Save screenshots of sites for history
(all the way down, default on).

Microsoft Recall is even worse than you think.

It has apparently been snuck into the Edge web browser even if you don't have the Windows version that adds it.

h/t @laimis who pointed out to me that starts with Windows 11 24H2; I only have 23H2.

BUT I found it in my Edge Browser which updated today to Version 125.0.2535.51.
The setting is:
{3 dots button} =>
Settings =>
Privacy Search and Services =>
Save screenshots of sites for history
(all the way down, default on).

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@taoish @laimis

This is an NSA job where they made Microsoft an offer they could refuse.

Bye bye privacy and freedoms.


@taoish @laimis if you have the browser on your laptop, but do not use it. Does Recall still takes all the screen shots etc?


People. I know it's important to you. But please can we all remember to use hashtags for politics. etc etc all of it. Thank you


Condenser Dryer plumbing

When we first got this dryer, our laundry room had one of those vertical drains you shoved the washing machine waste pipe into, so we jammed the (smaller) waste pipe from the dryer down that same waste.

We moved into the garage for 10 months while our house renovation was done, and I set up a temporary laundry/kitchen/bench area at the front of the garage with the cheapest kitchen cabinets I could find from Bunnings. I glued them as well as screwed, and they're actually quite good even compared to the house kitchen which cost us exponentially more from a kitchen place. Next time I will do the kitchen myself and maybe get fancier doors and benchtop – and not pay a kitchen place to do the boring/easy part. The overpriced house kitchen is still just shit chipboard carcasses. But I digress.

In the garage, I re-plumbed the dryer on the rear to use the internal tank, which you empty into the sink between loads. It worked fine, even if I had to remind the demi-humans to do it every single time.

I could have plumbed it into the sink waste, but I figured why bother if we're only in there for a few months. 3 to 6 months, the builders informed us. So I bet on 6.

10 months later we moved into the house which still wasn't complete, even though the builders would have actually been on site less than 4 months in that time, and if they had done stuff correctly the first time it would have been even less. I am totally not bitter about this.

Anyway, the drain waste fitting for plumbing in washing machines is far larger than the pipe from the dryer so I stopped in at my local pipe and fittings supplier, and grabbed a bunch of stuff which totaled $26. Not bad.

I assembled the parts to adapt from the waste fitting (the waste includes these, and has blanking bungs when unused) through to the smaller hose barb.

And then secured it all in place. I probbaly didnt need the hose clamps, but I dislike leaks so that's a bit of piece of mind longer term.

The last step was to change the outlet on the dryer over from the internal tank to the hose. So I pulled out the dryer and changed over the hose coming from the dryer, and pushed it back in. Job done.

Here it is plumbed for the internal tank.

And here changed over to the external waste hose.

And all pushed back in under bench, I also adjusted the feet as it was a bit rocky. So hopefully that is better too when my wife overloads it and it tries to launch around the room when running.

#HomeRenovation #DIY

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Condenser Dryer plumbing

When we first got this dryer, our laundry room had one of those vertical drains you shoved the washing machine waste pipe into, so we jammed the (smaller) waste pipe from the dryer down that same waste.

We moved into the garage for 10 months while our house renovation was done, and I set up a temporary laundry/kitchen/bench area at the front of the garage with the cheapest kitchen cabinets I could find from Bunnings. I glued them as well as screwed, and they're actually quite...


SparkNZ Facebook/Google opt-out

Hunted this out since I discovered Spark sharing stuff with my freshly made Facebook account.

I hate that I had to trawl their privacy policy (okay, Ctrl+F, then type “Meta”) and then copy and paste a link from their pdf because it isn't a hotlink. I mean, that is a deliberate choice these days. When was the last time you saw something not automatically become a link that should be... is the link, anyway.

Here is the full Privacy Policy on their site, also uploaded here for redundancy as of the post date.

On their opt-out page there is this, annoyingly:

If you opt-out, we will still partner with customer insights providers to understand your preferences, and you may still see ads and other information from us, but it may be less relevant to you.

Why would I see ads.... you're a phone and broadband provider. This feels copy/pasted from elsewhere.

Also, if you return to that page, you get the same page with the opt-out unchecked again – so who knows if it is even doing anything behind the scenes. I suspect probably not, if it can't even set a checkbox then is it even storing that selection?

The pop-up assured me that I was opted out though when I submitted it.

Very convincing.

#Spark #Meta #facebook #google #dystopia

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SparkNZ Facebook/Google opt-out

Hunted this out since I discovered Spark sharing stuff with my freshly made Facebook account.

I hate that I had to trawl their privacy policy (okay, Ctrl+F, then type “Meta”) and then copy and paste a link from their pdf because it isn't a hotlink. I mean, that is a deliberate choice these days. When was the last time you saw something not automatically become a link that should be...


@simounet @hyde
My thought exactly. A lot of people say "I have nothing to hide"... but that's bullshit. Even if you're not doing anything illegal in your house (hopefully), you still have blinds and curtains on your window, because what you do in the privacy of your own home is nobody's business, period.
And that's how it should be online as well.


At last, some information from Google that students can really use!

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Ariadne Conill 🐰

@ricci back in my day, we had to defend our dissertations from boa constrictors


@ricci This can sound funny (and it does!), but this is also a clear symptom of Google's death. The greatest source of information of all times has become a toy that cannot be taken seriously anymore



... tell y'all what would solve our congestion problems: tax employers for every mile the employee has to commute.


@82mhz Video CD is so amazing. Strip out almost every form of error correction to make use of 800MB per disc, conveniently fitting 80 minutes of video on it!


Every time I sit down to write a quick post on my "thoughts" section, it ends up being just as long as a "regular" blog post. I seem to be incapable of just putting out a few lines at a time 😄​


Google search thinks you should use glue to stick together a pizza as its AI is trained on Reddit, where 11 years ago a user called “fucksmith” posted suggesting it was a good idea.

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@GossiTheDog I am unable to replicate this result.


@GossiTheDog Google Search is now a gullible 6-year old my how far we've come


It’s so messed up that OS vendors just assume it’s okay to throw ads onto your desktop or your phone. My Samsung just started throwing them in my notifications, and there’s no way to turn them off.

I didn’t want to have to root my phone and install a different version of Android on it, but this is downright hostile.


Why is Recall so bad? Because it creates a data pool with massive blackmailing potential and security leakages.

We all are doing stuff on computers that nobody else should see. Not just the "nasty" stuff but also other things. My dad recently typed in his last will. People do send passwords over encrypted channels in plaintext. People type emails and delete them before sending, which might save a relationship.


Behind every man is a bunch of stuff he can’t see.


I hope this email finds you living in a shotgun shack
I hope this email finds you in another part of the world
I hope this email finds you behind the wheel of a large automobile
I hope this email finds you in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife

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Jon (spelled the cool way)

@gsuberland Outlook does frequently make me ask myself, “How do I work this?”


@gsuberland I hope this email finds you in an average house with a nice hardwood floor, your wife and your job, your kids and your car, your feet on the table, and a Cuban cigar.

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