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Graham Sutherland / Polynomial

I hope this email finds you living in a shotgun shack
I hope this email finds you in another part of the world
I hope this email finds you behind the wheel of a large automobile
I hope this email finds you in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife

Paul Cantrell

@gsuberland @lisamelton
This email finds me saying “My god! what have I done?!”


@gsuberland I hope this email gets you to ask, well, how did I get here?


@gsuberland I hope this email finds that home is where you want to be
I hope this email finds you already there

Molto Mantovani 🇬🇧

@gsuberland It actually found me wondering "Well, how did I get here???"

Daniel Sincere

@gsuberland hot take: parodies should be able explain themselves in the media description. Confession: i know this is likely a parody, but not sure of what

Graham Sutherland / Polynomial

@DanielSincere you could search any part of the phrases and find the source within seconds.

Daniel Sincere

@gsuberland could argue the same for media descriptions of images of text: drop it into an OCR.

Graham Sutherland / Polynomial

@DanielSincere one of these things is an accessibility concern for people who have no other choice than to rely on sighted people to provide accurate captioning, the other is just you not bothering to copy paste some words into a search engine and look at the top result. don't try to dress up your own laziness as an accessibility issue, it's frankly insulting.

Graham Sutherland / Polynomial

@DanielSincere and I advise you to take the L on this one rather than doubling down. it's not a good look.



This email finds me playing Talking Heads very loud.

Jon (spelled the cool way)

@gsuberland Outlook does frequently make me ask myself, “How do I work this?”


@gsuberland I hope this email finds you in an average house with a nice hardwood floor, your wife and your job, your kids and your car, your feet on the table, and a Cuban cigar.

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