> normal keyboards are awful for your fingers!!1!1!1!1!11!1!1!111!1!1! buy an ergonomic keyboard!!!!! ergonomic keyboard: 270$ первый вид считает, что слово достаточно плохое, чтобы его цензурить а второй вид хочет обойти вордфильтр title text: During the day it also activates for neat clouds and pretty sunsets. (https://xkcd.com/2979) addThisToYourFriendsProject posted by @m7dkl@reddit.com - https://reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/1f3p2md/addthistoyourfriendsproject/ Every study ever: Overworked employees are less productive. Employees who work from home are just as productive as employees who work in the office. The evidence is indisputable. Managers: I see. But I have a hunch that the complete opposite is true.
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@lowqualityfacts > working from home
it's not that simple. some people really can't be trusted to work from home. some people have insane discipline and can tony stark the whole project from a cave. there are actual reasons to work in an office but the managers don't make use of those so its somewhat irrelevant though :gutkato_pensas: @lowqualityfacts manager, or ceo "i'm smarter than science, because my car much more expensive than scientists have" @lowqualityfacts @jtrobec “we’re a data driven company unless the data says something we disagree with” I do understand that the Notion team didn't *choose* to end support for Russian users I understand that they were forced to do that by the government But still Heya everyone, I thought I posted this here last night, but apparently I didn't.. I regret to inform you that the Screen Shot Off The Record plugin that we linked to briefly was found to have a key logger and was sending screen shots to unwanted parties. So if you have this plugin installed, you will want to remove it immediately. You can see our official post about this at https://pidgin.im/posts/2024-08-malicious-plugin/ We are planning a more indepth post in the near future. @pidgin The plugin seems to be GPL 3 and at https://github.com/jabberplugins/pidgin-screenshare? There are 2 DLLs in the repo though, libotr and zlib. So maybe the plugin is fine if you throw away those two files? @pidgin You did post last night. I replied that ss-otr was an appropriate name - as it stands for Social Security On The Record in a US govt context. @jilotta it's not a binary (yes/no) flag and "views" are plural for a reason. A *perfectly* accurate self-esteem would be one that is internally consistent *all* of your experiences. Technically the conclusion that no one's got it has to be probabilistically accurate: https://xkcd.com/1475/ How much of your own experience you have to deny/ignore to believe your sense of self-esteem is the measure of inaccuracy. :blobcatthink: federated git Imagine having one account on one instance and then connecting to another instance with that account You could go to another person's project that selfhosts fedigit, clone with the credentials *of your instance* and change things All the stats will be on your account on your instance @jilotta git was federated from the start Наткнулся на клавиатуру в F-Droid: "aaaaa" - a minimalist keyboard. Да, она состоит только из буквы "a" И разумеется об этом написали issue на GitHub: :blobcatgoogly: |
Как я собираюсь бороться с курением.png
it also has an arm processor and 467 megabytes of ram, that's actually believable for a vape these days