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101 posts total

:blobcatthink: federated git

Imagine having one account on one instance and then connecting to another instance with that account

You could go to another person's project that selfhosts fedigit, clone with the credentials *of your instance* and change things

All the stats will be on your account on your instance


imagine getting a commit from


on second thought, there'll be a gitodon that blocks every instance ever


Наткнулся на клавиатуру в F-Droid: "aaaaa" - a minimalist keyboard.

Да, она состоит только из буквы "a"

И разумеется об этом написали issue на GitHub:



To improve performance of Windows 11 systems, we will be forcing our entire Windows development sector to develop solely on bottom tier Chromebooks modified to run Windows. Against their will.
We will also be burning their more powerful computers, as described in the contract they signed when they joined us, we can do that.


@microsoft yooooo let's go

my gaming computer could finally display a settings page without hanging


element (клиент matrix) в эстонии делают или что

почему уведомления приходят через час


Gnosyz 🖖:straightally:

@jilotta :blobcat_googly_angy: если бы его делали в Эстонии, ты бы получал уведомления вовремя. Блять заебали уже сравнивать Эстонию с тормозами. У нас вполне продвинутый ИТ сектор

Дмитрий Марков

@jilotta а что ты хотел от софта написанного на ссаном электроне? Поставь neochat и будет тебе счастье.

"so what panel do you use" uhhhhhhhhhh

(no this is not a nested compositor)

I would like to formally apologize for my misbehavior on the internet here.
I will however not apologize for the pipe bombs. Those were gifts from me to you, and crafted with the highest quality materials.
We are very sorry about the AI stuff though, but we have to keep the shareholders happy or like 90% of the world's infrastructure will collapse

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NeonPurpleStar :heart_bi:
@delroth wait, so you have the right to alter a comic if you display the name of the original artist?

@delroth Elements encryption is so strong even the users can't decrypt it :dragnloaf:


i think theres somethign wrong with my linux guys


i propose we stop using CMYK for color printing: instead we should rename Key to Aphotic, and reorder the colors to make the following color model: YMCA


if you eat ginger and licorice together, your body takes a screenshot


there are three kinds of people

those who use favorites as a way of saving special posts

those who use favorites as a like button

and those who use them as a read indicator


What does the favorite/like/default reaction mean to you? (boost for reach)


@Evv1L даже вне контекста оправдывает свой ник

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