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2 posts total
Julien Barnoin

Microsoft: Don't worry, what you do on your computer is safe and private with us*.
Adobe: Don't worry, your files and your art are safe and private with us*.
Meta: Don't worry, your posts and pictures are safe and private with us*.
Google: Don't worry, your email, search history and files are safe and private with us*

*But we reserve the right to look what's inside, train AI models using them to replace you, and otherwise do whatever would benefit us without notifying you.


Microsoft: Don't worry, what you do on your computer is safe and private with us*.
Adobe: Don't worry, your files and your art are safe and private with us*.
Meta: Don't worry, your posts and pictures are safe and private with us*.
Google: Don't worry, your email, search history and files are safe and private with us*

Julien Barnoin

Just a tech industry-wide coordinated assault on privacy. Nothing to worry about at all.

Julien Barnoin

Just leaving this here, no particular connection to my previous post.

Feel free to read it again while stretching the s's if you feel like it though.

Martin Christopher

@julienbarnoin These four companies doing dodgy things?

I am shocked, shocked!, to hear that there are privacy concerns going on at these companies!

Julien Barnoin

The current language situation for GPGPU programming is rather depressing from my point of view.
Today we have a wealth of CPU languages but not a hint of standardized GPU-side compatibility.

I'd love to program everything (CPU, GPU compute, GPU graphics) in the same basic, standardized language.
Does that sound unreasonable? I understand that it's not there yet but I don't see any major effort towards this.

#gamedev #programming

The current language situation for GPGPU programming is rather depressing from my point of view.
Today we have a wealth of CPU languages but not a hint of standardized GPU-side compatibility.

I'd love to program everything (CPU, GPU compute, GPU graphics) in the same basic, standardized language.
Does that sound unreasonable? I understand that it's not there yet but I don't see any major effort towards this.

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Julien Barnoin

It feels like the people in the best situation to address this would be the Khronos group. Sadly they seem uninterested in this, they feel like GLSL is just fine as it is and have no one working on evolving it or a next version (I asked).
Their solution seems to be to rely more and more on HLSL instead... Great. 😑

Max Hollmann

@julienbarnoin CPUs and GPUs are inherently different architectures and the kind of code I'd want to run on each differs. As a result I don't see much value in being able to run code on both. Rather I'd like to have a good language for GPGPU programming, something that facilitates writing GPU programs for GPUs. Maybe something from the APL or Haskell families of languages.

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