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@koyu ok I've waited to reply because I was too tired to write in English... I basically agree with everyone else, it's sad to see this instance go :'( but yeah you seem in an ugly situation right now (idk but the legal thing sounds especially frightening to me). So thank you for this beautiful space (and for the forewarning about its closure), I really hope you come out on top of your troubles🤞🏻

Stephan K.

@koyu Das zu hören finde ich unglaublich traurig, ich habe deine Instanz gemocht, insbesondere da du dich in den letzten Jahren voll reingehängt hast. 😢

casey is remote

@koyu Sad news...I hope you can get the mental and physical rest you need and win your legal case.

Leonie :pb: :verified_queer:

The best websites don't need cookie banners

Leonie :pb: :verified_queer:

I'm selling my #ThinkPad X220 running #Linux. Who wants to buy it? :boost_ok:

- 2nd gen Intel i5
- Integrated graphics
- Fingerprint reader
- Physical killswitch
- Ubuntu Mate OEM with custom X11 configs and kernel parameters preinstalled

Link to German eBay:

Leonie :pb: :verified_queer:

now here's the question: how can we make #gemini attractive to the average person. i know it's supposed to be small, but what if it's as popular as the fediverse...or tor. this thing has potential and we deserve a better internet.

Eugen Rochko

@koyu I’m not an average person and even I don’t get why I should care about it at all. If I wanted to look at a plain text document I can do that on the good old web in my own browser

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