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@koyu :Akko_Sad:

It was fun while it lasted...

I wish you all the best with the legal proceedings and in life in general.

I hope we can still stay in contact, and If there is anything I could do to help please don't hesitate to say so.


Bloody Sergeant :tf: :catjam:

@koyu Oh well, it was fun for the almost 2 years I've been here. Discovered through Gemini and it was my first discovery of the Fediverse. Wish you the best.


@koyu Here's to one of the chillest instances out there, with fun people and hella pleasing design. Seriously, you made Mastodon look *good*!

Hope you'll come out on top of your irl trouble!


@koyu ok I've waited to reply because I was too tired to write in English... I basically agree with everyone else, it's sad to see this instance go :'( but yeah you seem in an ugly situation right now (idk but the legal thing sounds especially frightening to me). So thank you for this beautiful space (and for the forewarning about its closure), I really hope you come out on top of your troubles🤞🏻

Stephan K.

@koyu Das zu hören finde ich unglaublich traurig, ich habe deine Instanz gemocht, insbesondere da du dich in den letzten Jahren voll reingehängt hast. 😢

casey is remote

@koyu Sad news...I hope you can get the mental and physical rest you need and win your legal case.

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