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7 posts total

I swear fedi is the only place on the internet where I regularly see shit like:

"CW: software development, open source, kink, nsfw, drugs"

and I absolutely love it

imdat celeste :v_tg: :v_nb: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard]

@njion And that usually on a really slow day on Fedi…

:blobcathearts: :blobCat_heart:

Frank Küsel

@njion and it's self-enforced too. No dark overlords deciding what gets content warnings.


"Trans people are destroying traditional values!!"
Good. That's the point.
Your "traditional values" suck.

rail 🦊

@njion For fucking real

And this goes beyond

"But homosexual marriage threatens the value of traditional family!"

If your traditional family values are so fragile that happiness of consenting adults that doesn't concern you in any way threatens them, then find yourself better values.

"But immigrants threaten the identity and uniformity of the nation!"

If you feel the need to leave people to die from cold and hunger in the forest because you're too afraid the "nation" will be threatened, then fuck you and your nation.

@njion For fucking real

And this goes beyond

"But homosexual marriage threatens the value of traditional family!"

If your traditional family values are so fragile that happiness of consenting adults that doesn't concern you in any way threatens them, then find yourself better values.

"But immigrants threaten the identity and uniformity of the nation!"


Outer Wilds is on a 40% discount on Steam right now!! Go buy it! It's amazing!!

Sweedfrog Outer Wilds makes me understand the pure fear and panic thalassophobic people get when playing Subnautica, it's probably the scariest game I've ever played ​:neocat_cry:​

Lucis, but spicy

@njion literally the best game I ever played <3


@njion I get stings of nostalgia when hearing the game music.

So sad I can’t ever truly replay it :(


PSA about the Steam client performance:

Turns out that in your Steam library, rare achievements are marked with an animated light effect. This animation somehow takes up an astounding amount of system resources especially on older PCs/laptops.

If you notice that your PC slows to a crawl whenever your steam library is open, you can go to Steam > Settings > Library and then turn on Low Performance Mode. It simply disables a few insignificant animations but the performance gains can be massive. On my old Dell Latitude, the CPU usage goes from >50% to <10% just from changing this one setting!

I have no idea why they put this under "Library" and not "Interface" cause I've been looking for a setting like this for months but I finally found out about this and now you have too!

PSA about the Steam client performance:

Turns out that in your Steam library, rare achievements are marked with an animated light effect. This animation somehow takes up an astounding amount of system resources especially on older PCs/laptops.

If you notice that your PC slows to a crawl whenever your steam library is open, you can go to Steam > Settings > Library and then turn on Low Performance Mode. It simply disables a few insignificant animations but the performance gains can be massive. On my...

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Old Beekeeper Barks Backwards

@njion Many thanks for the tip. I stream from an Ideapad, and anything that reduces system load keeps me from overheating in the middle of a Minecraft stream.

maximemelian, enby fatale. :neocat_kisser:

@njion also consider not using steam on apple silicon macs as it's still an intel only binary and almost everything within steam now is based on webkit which translates very badly from intel to arm and results in bad performance and battery life.

Григорий Клюшников

It kinda blows my mind that they keep rewriting it to Electron. Oh and it's been three years since the M1 came out yet there's still no macOS ARM build. Steam appears to be one of the cases of "developer experience over user experience" disease that's plaguing the entirety of the software industry now.

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