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108 posts total
Thorwegian ❄️

toilet paper: fold or crumple?

Anonymous poll


36 people voted.
Voting ended 7 Sep 2022 at 0:23.
Thorwegian ❄️

i see where this is going

people who fold toilet paper are normies

you need to crumple to be sufficiently rebellious

Thorwegian ❄️

the sky was pretty amazing just as the concert got started - just around sunset - probably done deliberately

Thorwegian ❄️

kvifor kan ikkje eg ligge når telefonkatalog?

Thorwegian ❄️

i push myself to be the guy on the right as much as possible, and try to look for workarounds for things i just can't change

Thorwegian ❄️

it makes everyone look smarter somehow

Thorwegian ❄️

Dutch can't possibly be a real language

Thorwegian ❄️

imaginary job: going around reminding everyone of the perks of their jobs and their life situations.

"you have to carry boxes? wow, paid exercise, lucky you!"

"your place is too small? hey, less to keep clean!"

"your kids are too much? look at you starting a family and everything!"

Thorwegian ❄️

beginning to prepare the pork cutlet burgers by baking the cutlets in the oven

Thorwegian ❄️

if a group of random straight dudes had to invent perfume, they'd probably come up with something that smells like gasoline, leather or sawdust

Thorwegian ❄️

the Norvend app is coming along better since i decided to just implement it as a web view with vanilla HTML5, JS and DOM objects. it's much easier to deploy updates this way too.

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