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27 posts total
🐡 la ninpre 🍄
well, time to say goodbyes to a week ago i made a move to starnix.

my main account is now @la_ninpre

backups are:
@la_ninpre, @la_ninpre, @la_ninpre

this instance will be turned off today.
well, time to say goodbyes to a week ago i made a move to starnix.

my main account is now @la_ninpre

🐡 la ninpre 🍄
it has been almost two years since i started this instance, but all things eventually come to an end. in recent months it has become more and more hard to keep pleroma running. this is for a number of reasons. mainly, the database grows, it's frustrating to clean up, restoring the database from a dump takes up more than two days(!) etc etc.

what will happen then?

i'm not leaving the fediverse yet, but this instance will be shut down in a few weeks or so. my new home will be at, a nice place indeed. i won't be moving this account there because it makes no sense to do so (moving requires old account to be around, iirc). if you want to follow me there, here you go: @la_ninpre​

what about honk?

honk instance ( is here to stay, because unlike pleroma it's very easy to manage and it's very small and fast. i consider my account there as a backup, not a main one.

so yeah, bye-bye pleroma, it's been a good time, despite all difficulties and frustrations i had with it.
it has been almost two years since i started this instance, but all things eventually come to an end. in recent months it has become more and more hard to keep pleroma running. this is for a number of reasons. mainly, the database grows, it's frustrating to clean up, restoring the database from a dump takes up more than two days(!) etc etc.
🐡 la ninpre 🍄
just had an idea that regular mailing list could be something like reddit. i mean, a place where people can post interesting links and comment on them. i know this is probably very slow of me to notice, but yeah.

why people need reddit/lemmy, when simple mailing lists can do the same and were able to do it years ago?

@la_ninpre I think that for threads containing lots of smaller posts/comments (like reddit's) the mailing list UX is atrocious. You can't see and navigate the whole tree easily.

🐡 la ninpre 🍄
finally started collecting some links to other people's beautiful (for now only)web sites.
🐡 la ninpre 🍄
wow, it's possible to post from mothra(1) using bloat-fe. shouldn't be surprizing, but it kinda is.
🐡 la ninpre 🍄
gentoo user excuses for not turning on webcam on a zoom call: sorry, i don't have webcam driver in my kernel. ofc, you can wait till i recompile and reboot.
@la_ninpre Windows user: I reinstalled it and I have to reboot to make it work but I have some updates waiting for restart. This will take just five minutes. I am sure.
🐡 la ninpre 🍄
updated pleroma to latest stable. my instance probably was not vulnerable, since it doesn't have media proxy enabled, but still.
🐡 la ninpre 🍄
пили тут аньцзы бай ча. у меня всегда с зелёными чаями очень смешные ассоциации, в этот раз мне показалось, что у этого чая в аромате есть нотки куриного бульона, и во вкусе много умами почему-то.
🐡 la ninpre 🍄
{pleroma,git} back online. someone just unplugged my switch's power supply :blobcatfacepalm:

this is how messy my infra is.