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🐑 la ninpre πŸ„
just had an idea that regular mailing list could be something like reddit. i mean, a place where people can post interesting links and comment on them. i know this is probably very slow of me to notice, but yeah.

why people need reddit/lemmy, when simple mailing lists can do the same and were able to do it years ago?

@la_ninpre I think that for threads containing lots of smaller posts/comments (like reddit's) the mailing list UX is atrocious. You can't see and navigate the whole tree easily.

🐑 la ninpre πŸ„
@iliazeus you have a point. but i think if one would apply the slow culture of traditional mailing lists (where responses are usually well thought through and more than a few words long) to link sharing and commenting, at least in my mind, it looks beautiful. nevertheless, i still think that this whole thing would only benefit from nice ui (web or through standalone client support) to allow for quick search and thread view.
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