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Jose Eight

@atoponce guessing it's thinking like version numbers such as for applications eg python 3.14 but still the primary context should be normal numbers! I think all AI models are doing this from what I've been googling

Ruben Borg Nielsen

@atoponce not that I want to be defending AI or anything, but this is kinda like calling a hammer garbage because it cannot drive in screws. You’re obviously not using it for what it was designed for. Arithmetic is not it.

Generative AI does some stuff well. Making shit up being one of its absolute strengths 👍 use it for nonsense and you have a great tool right there

Aaron Toponce ⚛️:debian:

What's the oldest #Linux distro you've used? What's your story using it?

For me, it was Red Hat Linux 6 in 1999. I purchased it from the software aisle for $40 at Stokes Brothers in Logan, Utah when my wife was going to school.

I booted off the live CD and played around with it a bit. Seeing the installation icon on the desktop, I thought it would install like other software onto my Windows 98 PC.

Of course, it wiped the boot loader and the Windows OS. I learned the value of backups that day.

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Chris Wiegman

@atoponce The oldest I can remember was RedHat 3 in the 90s. At the time I was just trying it as something "new” and "different.” @ademalsasa



Slackware pre version 1, with kernel pre version 1 as well -- it was simply 'Slackware', and the kernel was squeaking close to 1.0

It's been a minute, I may have some detail askance and awry ..


@atoponce I think it was Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat (2010?). I don't think I had a good impression of Linux back then but I am aware of the strides it had since (I am on Fedora now)

Aaron Toponce ⚛️:debian:

"Grover’s algorithm is an elegant intellectual construction. Unfortunately our analysis indicates that it will remain so for the foreseeable future."

#Quantum #QuantumComputers #QuantumComputing #Crypto #Cryptography

Aaron Toponce ⚛️:debian:

Tesla has lost 50% of its value in the last three months.


@atoponce bombing promising technology to own the libs (and also to make up for extreme insecurity)

Aaron Toponce ⚛️:debian:

What is your least favorite packing tool for #Linux, and why is it Snap?



@atoponce snap, and because snap requires systemd

Aaron Toponce ⚛️:debian:

Canonical putting advertisements in apt(8) in #Ubuntu #Linux is unacceptable.

This should take care of that:

# cd /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/
# : > 20apt-esm-hook.conf
# chattr +i 20apt-esm-hook.conf

Aaron Toponce ⚛️:debian:

# apt update
# apt upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
Calculating upgrade... Done
Try Ubuntu Pro beta with a free personal subscription on up to 5 machines.
Learn more at https://ubuntu[.]com/pro

Aaron Toponce ⚛️:debian:

Happy Birthday #Linux. Here's your birthday cake. Compile it yourself.

Cake ingredients in different measuring cups and bowls, including flour, sugar, an egg, milk, butter, etc.
Aaron Toponce ⚛️:debian:

I would have picked @illumosorg over #FreeBSD as the successor to the Unix development tree.

The AT&T lawsuit required all BSD code to be written from scratch, thus 4.4BSD-Lite. FreeBSD is no more "Unix" than GNU/Linux.

Solaris software however was mostly relicensed.

Aaron Toponce ⚛️:debian:

This is worth sharing.

It's an animated GIF where every frame is a valid QR code that leads to the "Never Gonna Give You Up" rickroll.

That's kind of amazing.

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TMaibaum #FBPE #FBSI

@atoponce This boggles the mind, but explaining it beforehand kind of takes all the fun out of rickrolling. 😉

Aaron Toponce ⚛️:debian:

We've got:

- Google Chrome
- Blue Google Chrome
- Orange Chrome
- Red Chrome
- Round Chrome
- Microsoft Chrome
- ... and Firefox

metallcorn 🐧

@atoponce у нас в поселении есть похожее здание, без окон. Это водонасосная станция

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