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Aaron Toponce ⚛️:debian:

What's the oldest #Linux distro you've used? What's your story using it?

For me, it was Red Hat Linux 6 in 1999. I purchased it from the software aisle for $40 at Stokes Brothers in Logan, Utah when my wife was going to school.

I booted off the live CD and played around with it a bit. Seeing the installation icon on the desktop, I thought it would install like other software onto my Windows 98 PC.

Of course, it wiped the boot loader and the Windows OS. I learned the value of backups that day.

Space Hobo Actual

@atoponce I had shell accounts on a lot of friends' machines, running mostly ancient Slackware releases. I think the #slackware floppies I made in 1995 were the first distro I actually installed on my machine in 1996. Must have been Slackware 2.3, maybe?

I got a DEC Multia around 1997 when they were going for cheap, and put the RedHat 5 release for DEC Alpha on there. My friends were so impressed that the `date` command on my system could calculate so far into the future past 2038!

Jigen Daisuke, Jr

@atoponce to me it was Corel Linux. Of course, it was a bit lottery with HW, but that was beautiful, usable, and easy to install Linux. Back then I started to believe in "year of Linux Desktop" idea 😄

donut :alpine: :xfce: :clj:

@atoponce auuuuhm, I think my first exposure might have also been RH 6.

I played a Tron game on it. Was fun.

Didn’t really care about Linux at all until I started messing with it for myself ca… Ubuntu 12.04 days.


Red Hat also
1998 - installed from floppies but onto a clean test machine (I had previously leaned the same lesson)
Employer wanted to know, quote, “is it any good”

The answer was in the affirmative
They believed me :)


@fishidwardrobe @atoponce me too. #mandrake. I got the installed DVD from an issue of a popular computer magazine. It was CHIP i think

Antifa Franklin 🇵🇸

@atoponce ubuntu hardy heron 2008, which i remember had a really nice default desktop background. I think I picked up a live cd in a charity shop or library. Used it for a while but bought a macbook pro a couple of years later and was stuck in the apple realm for a decade.

Chris Wiegman

@atoponce The oldest I can remember was RedHat 3 in the 90s. At the time I was just trying it as something "new” and "different.” @ademalsasa



Slackware pre version 1, with kernel pre version 1 as well -- it was simply 'Slackware', and the kernel was squeaking close to 1.0

It's been a minute, I may have some detail askance and awry ..


@atoponce I think it was Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat (2010?). I don't think I had a good impression of Linux back then but I am aware of the strides it had since (I am on Fedora now)

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