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33 posts total
using Brave was a bad way to spend 10 minutes
fun activity: enable ALL cookies and tracking, turn off adblocker on health related websites and then convince the algorithm you have severe disabilities so you get wrong ads
honestly? people should stop pushing for Matrix and push for for XMPP+IRC
(λiska. :gnujihad: ) people pushing tech that's that looks noob-friendly instead of functionyal is why FLOSS is unpopular nerd shit nyow.

PLEASE stop boosting massive tits. I don't know why I even have to say this, but for the love of God, stop doing this. Every day I open the fediverse and see at least 20 posts on my timeline featuring massive, incredibly large boobies, boosted by one person. It never ends. I go on public transport and I'm afraid of opening fedi, I go at work and I'm afraid of opening fedi, I go at home and I'm afraid of opening fedi. If you do not stop this immediately I will have to press the unfollow button.
gen Z on their way to achieve complete privacy and security by using Discord and Twitter for hours on end
The f and t in misinformation stand for FediTips! Follow @FediTips for advice on staying safe and avoiding misinformation
FLOSS fans when they are asked to floss their teeth
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