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:ball: :kotek:

@h JS should replace all languages by 2026



I was poleaxed the first time I saw the !!! javascript operator, and then researched it and learned it's actually useful in context. Fuck ECMA-script. Second worst thing in the software world, after Windows.

Hazel :pleadingcat:

people talk a lot about jpegxl having better compression and thats true but it needs more credit for this

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mx alex tax1a - 2020 (4)

@h can webp even be progressively decoded? the guy from IJG had something to say about movie-derived formats being bad at this, but maybe he meant AVIF

sirsegv :heart_clockwork: jpeg xl needs better branding, "needs more jpeg" is a literal meme describing poor image quality and at least my flinch reaction when learning about it was "oh no not another lossy format". Very impressive results though

millionsofplayers :smile: google when they see a good image standard (they won't support it)

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