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The annoying part is that there's actually a directive for the latter:
Romans 14:21 WMB It is good to not eat meat, drink wine, nor do anything by which your brother stumbles, is offended, or is made weak.

But I guess asking them to actually read the thing is too much.

Darwin Woodka


I had a friend who wouldn't let me go in and get a hot chocolate at the chocolate shop cause she was on a diet, bugged the crap out of me

183231bcb My religion teachers that marriage is between two or more people who support public education. It's against my religion for Republicans to get "married."

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Christiaan Moleman

@GryphonSK This is a fun slogan for patting yourself on the back (see also: "reality has a liberal bias") but when the right see this, they don't reevaluate their position based on the facts...they simply *reject the existence of facts* and claim that up is down and down is up, which is how you get to present intractable situation.

You cannot debate someone who does not accept the basic framework of reality.


@GryphonSK social science, arts, and humanities also teach subtlety and incrementalism.

The worst of the right is stuck with "bad things will still happen, so why try to stop bad things" on any subject that's convenient to them.

Turns out, harm reduction is way better than just feeling sad about things being terrible.

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