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Christiaan Moleman

@GryphonSK This is a fun slogan for patting yourself on the back (see also: "reality has a liberal bias") but when the right see this, they don't reevaluate their position based on the facts...they simply *reject the existence of facts* and claim that up is down and down is up, which is how you get to present intractable situation.

You cannot debate someone who does not accept the basic framework of reality.

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Christiaan Moleman

@GryphonSK It used to be that ideology was about different ways of responding to the same set of facts that everyone could mostly agree on... and it was about why and how to deal with those facts, with views diverging along political lines.

Now there is no shared reality to disagree on.

This is especially noticeable in the USA, where Republicans have fully unmoored from anything resembling reality, but through the US' outsized influence this brand of ignorance has also spread to other places.

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