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45 posts total
Evelyn fra denne andre øya

"adblocking is piracy" discourse is incredible to me because it starts from the assumption I have a problem with piracy. "Oh look at me, I feel bad because someone copied something" okay, grow up

Evelyn fra denne andre øya

git is a decent solution for version control, an open standard that means we don't have to put all our eggs in one big smashable single-point-of-smashing basket, fantastic stuff

Evelyn fra denne andre øya

Important to emphasise that if you criticise Eugen's continued nonsense around implied trademark legal threats, he'll stop you contributing to his software and make vague references to "hostile offsite behaviour".

Evelyn fra denne andre øya is a "real name" policy instance run by the Hello Cooperative (t/a Hellō), a SSO provider which encourages users to link multiple third-party accounts (e.g. a facebook account or gitlab account) to their "wallet" for the purpose of identity verification with third parties. The names on those accounts are used for the purpose of determining which names are "real" with respect to the instance's rules.

So, this is an instance run by a company (a cooperative, but being a cooperative isn't a blank card) which has the effect of encouraging people to use their service, free for users but paid for providers, and funneling personal data into themselves.

The "real name" policy here isn't as draconian as those enforced with government IDs, but I take the view that it's nevertheless unacceptable, it's clearly at odds with the obligation for data minimisation, to say nothing of the fact that it's built on the assumption that you have only a small number of thoroughly linked online identities.

The company is presenting at FediForum too, if you've been following the nonsense with that event I think it's worth mentioning as a red flag. is a "real name" policy instance run by the Hello Cooperative (t/a Hellō), a SSO provider which encourages users to link multiple third-party accounts (e.g. a facebook account or gitlab account) to their "wallet" for the purpose of identity verification with third parties. The names on those accounts are used for the purpose of determining which names are "real" with respect to the instance's rules.

So, this is an instance run by a company (a cooperative, but being a cooperative isn't...

Evelyn fra denne andre øya

So, has attracted some controversy recently, let's cover all the main points:

- They are intentionally inviting corporations onto their instance

- Their rules forbid 'colonialism' (they have a domain under a colonial TLD, .io is the TLD for the BIOT, which islanders were violently expelled from to build a US army base - it now has no inhabitants who are not related to this status. the rightful residents do not receive money from the sales of domains)

- Their rules forbid 'hacking' (their description notes it's an instance for 'hackers' among others)

- The admin describes herself as a "fearless leader"
- The admin describes herself as a "dictator"
- The about suggests that the instance is nevertheless governed on "democratic" and "anarchist" principles.

- They have defederated from Maia's instance (, apparently without announcement or notice, seemingly as a result of criticism of the first point (note that the entry is starred,
cri***.**y, only reason given is "Violation")
- Above is relevant because the instance periodically exports and recommends its blocklists ( ), a list which already includes absturztaube (specifically fab), and with no explicitly referenced criteria for exclusion, it seems reasonable to assume future exports will include Maia's instance.

Hesitant to tag this, this is meant more as a full explanation of all the nonsense I've seen so far.

(6 images)

So, has attracted some controversy recently, let's cover all the main points:

- They are intentionally inviting corporations onto their instance

- Their rules forbid 'colonialism' (they have a domain under a colonial TLD, .io is the TLD for the BIOT, which islanders were violently expelled from to build a US army base - it now has no inhabitants who are not related to this status. the rightful residents do not receive money from the sales of domains)

- Their rules forbid 'hacking' (their...

Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

> they have a domain under a colonial TLD, .io is the TLD for the BIOT
No one cares about "original meaning" of TLDs. .io looks like I/O (Input Output), so many IT-related projects use it because this sounds cool

> The admin describes herself as a "dictator"

> Their rules forbid 'hacking' (their description notes it's an instance for 'hackers' among others)
Because there are two different meaning of "hacker"
First is: person who tries to break server's security and make damage (and it's forbidden)
Second is: person, who make cool and creative things with computers (and they're welcome)

> they have a domain under a colonial TLD, .io is the TLD for the BIOT
No one cares about "original meaning" of TLDs. .io looks like I/O (Input Output), so many IT-related projects use it because this sounds cool

> The admin describes herself as a "dictator"

Evelyn fra denne andre øya

New to Mastodon? Journalist? Fediverse can seem a bit overwhelming at first, I recommend reading Homestuck to familiarise yourself with the important parts of its culture.

You can use the original website ( ) with most of the Flash pages functional if you install the Ruffle browser extension ( or

Alternatively, for a better experience, you can download the Unofficial Homestuck Collection - a standalone program for this unique cultural phenomenon - and its asset pack

New to Mastodon? Journalist? Fediverse can seem a bit overwhelming at first, I recommend reading Homestuck to familiarise yourself with the important parts of its culture.

You can use the original website ( ) with most of the Flash pages functional if you install the Ruffle browser extension ( or

Alternatively, for a better experience,...

Evelyn fra denne andre øya

Welcome to the Mastodon Network. It's decentralised , but what does that mean?

It means that if you try to write a thread (like on twitter), people may or may not be able to see all posts depending on where they are, the current federation smell, or their star sign

Inversely, you can't control where your posts end up, and i hope you like backups, because we're all about backups here, your posts will be replicated across hundreds of instances, some of which will reject deletes. There are constant efforts by all sorts of different people to index and archive The Mastodon Network. Want privacy? lol skill issue, you're on the privacy equivalent of an imageboard

Want to talk to people? Great! Your instance admins can
defederate from other instances for any reason, maybe there was some harassment, perhaps the rules are different, maybe those other people hate the colour purple (cringe opinion, purple is great, defed on sight). Either way, they might be able to see your posts, but you can't see theirs, and they can't talk to you.

If you're an « important » person (lol no you're not), there is no verification, and we will impersonate you. why? funy

do you enjoy random people calling you slurs? Fantastic, decentralisation is amazing for facilitating this! You're in the right place for the premier online slur experience, i have been called twenty slurs already today, and i am fully satisfied with the level of service.

Do you enjoy ban evading? decentralisation makes ban evading as easy as 1-2-3, we have the proudest and largest community of ban evaders in the world

also no algorithmic timeline or something idk, in conclusion The Mastodon Network is better than Twitter

Welcome to the Mastodon Network. It's decentralised , but what does that mean?

It means that if you try to write a thread (like on twitter), people may or may not be able to see all posts depending on where they are, the current federation smell, or their star sign

Inversely, you can't control where your posts end up, and i hope you like backups, because we're all about backups here, your posts will be replicated across hundreds of instances, some of which will reject deletes. There are constant...

Evelyn fra denne andre øya

a thousand people crash your tiny party, and you're sad because they ignore everynyan's boundaries and they've made it kinda unpleasant. apparently they came here because the last party they were at sucked? no wonder, if that's who turned up to it. some of them seem alright, you suppose, but it's hard to be happy about that under the circumstances.

you fucking gatekeeping scum.

Evelyn fra denne andre øya

This is our home, we were here long before, and you'll find it a welcome place if you treat us with decency; but if you smash our plates, demand we repaint our walls for you, and turn every TV to the news channel and put the volume on max, don't have the brass neck to ask why we seem unwelcoming.

Evelyn fra denne andre øya

It's a bit depressing to look back at TV programmes in the 80s and 90s which predicted that the rise of information services and then the internet would lead to an "information superhighway", a sort of modern library of alexandria. we got bits of that, but the library is on fire, it's always on fire

Evelyn fra denne andre øya

actually that reminds me, I have probably mentioned this before, but I remember when I was homeless in London in 2019, I went past Trafalgar Square, a famous public place in central London, it was fenced off for an event with security guards at checkpoints, people were laying around in sleeping bags. "The world's big sleepout", appparently done in support of homeless charities. I found it kinda grotesque though, people doing a really weird larp while denying us the public space we'd have otherwise have had

Vriska and the Banshees

@evelyn when I was homeless in Denver in 2014 we actually kicked someone's ass for disrupting and drawing attention to a tent community with a pro homeless rights protest lol

Evelyn fra denne andre øya

calling the fediverse the fediverse is idle pedantry, because the majority software is the only software, and ignorance is innocent, even to be encouraged, on a related note, my gmail account is on protonmail, and my chrome site can be found at evelyn dot moe

Evelyn fra denne andre øya

It's important to remember that while all languages are left-to-right and top-downwards (in that order only), they also only use alphanumerical ascii, so a recommended best practice is using an encoding like iso-latin-1. If you must deal with weird foreign letters (which no-one uses), UTF-16 is a must, but remember that the BMP is all you need. Be sure to aggressively normalise the characters you receive, and remember that you can truncate wherever you like without causing any problems. It's important to know that domains can't contain any of those funny foreign letters, and will never be written using them under any circumstances. Speaking of which, all languages have the concept of capitalisation, and this always works identically to English

It's important to remember that while all languages are left-to-right and top-downwards (in that order only), they also only use alphanumerical ascii, so a recommended best practice is using an encoding like iso-latin-1. If you must deal with weird foreign letters (which no-one uses), UTF-16 is a must, but remember that the BMP is all you need. Be sure to aggressively normalise the characters you receive, and remember that you can truncate wherever you like without causing any problems. It's important...

Evelyn fra denne andre øya

Mastodon! Brought to you by:
- gambling
- essay cheating
- VPN companies
- buying instagram followers
- shady design agencies

Evelyn fra denne andre øya

ARPANET: designed to withstand nuclear war
the internet today: cloudflare had some problem or another so now you can't check your bank balance, see when your train is coming, or use social media

Evelyn fra denne andre øya

thousands of "non-urgent" hospital appointments are being cancelled across the UK because of the queen's funeral on Monday. "non-urgent" is misleading because almost anything other than emergency care has wait times of months, possibly years, and some of those being rescheduled will have to wait weeks if not months, years in the worst cases, to finally have their appointments. This will include mental health assessments, elective surgeries, and so on.

This decision will kill people.

Evelyn fra denne andre øya

the number of people waiting for appointments here is almost beyond comprehension, it stood at 6.8 million a few months ago, over 300,000 of which had been waiting for over a year. this is entirely the result of political decisions by the ruling party, it's a state of affairs which is already lethal for people.

Evelyn fra denne andre øya

rsync more like rsink
your ship is sinking
abandon ship

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