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Evelyn fra denne andre øya

So, has attracted some controversy recently, let's cover all the main points:

- They are intentionally inviting corporations onto their instance

- Their rules forbid 'colonialism' (they have a domain under a colonial TLD, .io is the TLD for the BIOT, which islanders were violently expelled from to build a US army base - it now has no inhabitants who are not related to this status. the rightful residents do not receive money from the sales of domains)

- Their rules forbid 'hacking' (their description notes it's an instance for 'hackers' among others)

- The admin describes herself as a "fearless leader"
- The admin describes herself as a "dictator"
- The about suggests that the instance is nevertheless governed on "democratic" and "anarchist" principles.

- They have defederated from Maia's instance (, apparently without announcement or notice, seemingly as a result of criticism of the first point (note that the entry is starred,
cri***.**y, only reason given is "Violation")
- Above is relevant because the instance periodically exports and recommends its blocklists ( ), a list which already includes absturztaube (specifically fab), and with no explicitly referenced criteria for exclusion, it seems reasonable to assume future exports will include Maia's instance.

Hesitant to tag this, this is meant more as a full explanation of all the nonsense I've seen so far.

(6 images)

1 comment
Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

> they have a domain under a colonial TLD, .io is the TLD for the BIOT
No one cares about "original meaning" of TLDs. .io looks like I/O (Input Output), so many IT-related projects use it because this sounds cool

> The admin describes herself as a "dictator"

> Their rules forbid 'hacking' (their description notes it's an instance for 'hackers' among others)
Because there are two different meaning of "hacker"
First is: person who tries to break server's security and make damage (and it's forbidden)
Second is: person, who make cool and creative things with computers (and they're welcome)

> they have a domain under a colonial TLD, .io is the TLD for the BIOT
No one cares about "original meaning" of TLDs. .io looks like I/O (Input Output), so many IT-related projects use it because this sounds cool

> The admin describes herself as a "dictator"

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