is a "real name" policy instance run by the Hello Cooperative (t/a Hellō), a SSO provider which encourages users to link multiple third-party accounts (e.g. a facebook account or gitlab account) to their "wallet" for the purpose of identity verification with third parties. The names on those accounts are used for the purpose of determining which names are "real" with respect to the instance's rules.

So, this is an instance run by a company (a cooperative, but being a cooperative isn't a blank card) which has the effect of encouraging people to use their service, free for users but paid for providers, and funneling personal data into themselves.

The "real name" policy here isn't as draconian as those enforced with government IDs, but I take the view that it's nevertheless unacceptable, it's clearly at odds with the obligation for data minimisation, to say nothing of the fact that it's built on the assumption that you have only a small number of thoroughly linked online identities.

The company is presenting at FediForum too, if you've been following the nonsense with that event I think it's worth mentioning as a red flag.