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6,342 posts total
Dr. Quadragon ❌

Honestly, I might just use dak, and hope the import-repo command has been fixed in the decades since I last tried it - at least 15 years ago, I knew how it worked, and my database update code is still in the archive and used

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Че-то у меня очень стрессовый месяц получается

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Ostap Bender

@drq никогда такого не было — и вот опять.

Что в этот раз?

Dr. Quadragon ❌

EN: @duponin has transferred most of the instance data to me, expect its functionality to be restored within the week

RU: @duponin перенес ко мне большую часть данных, ожидайте восстановления работоспособности ноды в течение недели.



@drq @duponin @rf отключи дефедерацию моего аккаунта !

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Управление по оплодотворению человека и эмбриологии Великобритании рекомендовало отодвинуть предельный срок, до которого разрешены опыты на человеческих эмбрионах, с 14 до 28 дней. По их мнению, это поможет разобраться в таких вопросах, как имплантация, формирование нервной трубки и начало перекачивания крови сердечной трубкой. А также узнать первопричины развития серьезных состояний, таких как преэклампсия, задержка роста плода и мертворождение.


@A_AnisimOFF Грустно, аж слезы из глаз 🤣 😂

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Вообще-то, бабкина коляска реально тема.

Григорий Клюшников

О, всего за 11 дней доехало с лепры до федивёрса

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Спасибо всем, кто посмотрел со мной "Дикого Робота". Помните, что в ваших силах дать второй шанс кому-то, кто в нем нуждается, помните, что доброта - это то, что помогает нам выжить, и не забывайте время от времени выходить за рамки собственной программы.

А теперь, будьте так добры, делайте ваши ставки, их, как всегда, принимает @fmn


Dr. Quadragon ❌

Gatling gun is basically a motorized revolver.


А в чём хот?
Я кстати до сих пор не очень понимаю, как эта штука так синхронно работает, особенно современные.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Haven't looked at it in a while.

Whoa, we got through the threshold in 7 countries.

Now all we need is just raw numbers.



Dr. Quadragon ❌

This view is useful.

"Tolerance" is not an absolute. Refusing to abide by the terms -

e.g. promoting views that deliberately oppose those of tolerance -

constitutes a breach, and thus those actions are not covered.


The paradox of tolerance disappears if you look at tolerance Not as a moral standard but as a social contract.

If someone does not abide by the terms of the contract, they are not covered by it.

In other words, the intolerant are not following the rules of the social contract of tolerance.

Since they have breached the terms of the contract, they are no longer covered by its terms and their actions should not be tolerated.
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Fi, infosec-aspected

Which, thinking this through, means that a Code of Conduct can be phrased as describing a behavioral contract amongst the members of a community, with the penalty for breach being ejection from the community.

Heh. This has a lot of useful ancillary thoughts attached...

Sister Rock Star


I saw a gay liberal Israel supporter post this exact same meme and almost threw the fuck up

Floppy 💾

@munin That's a great way to frame and look at it.

That means tolerance is not something somebody has or not, but exists between people. A form of mutual relation that both (or all) parties necessarily need to contribute too.

Like a dialogue. Communication can be one-way, monologues can be exchanged. But when one stops contributing to a dialogue, there is no dialogue anymore.

So if one party ceases to uphold the shared value of tolerance, there is no tolerance present for anyone anymore.

Sister Rock Star





Within weeks, Byrne found the moral universe around her inverted: The heavily armed hate group sanctioned by Congress since 2018 were now freedom fighters resisting occupation, not terroristic racists.

As a Counterterrorism and Dangerous Organizations policy manager, Byrne’s entire job was to help form policies that would most effectively thwart groups like Azov. Then one day, this was no longer the case. “They’re no longer neo-Nazis,”


Dr. Quadragon ❌

Hi, we're a tech startup run by libertarian Silicon Valley tech bros.

We're not a newspaper, we're a content portal.
We're not a taxi service, we're a ride sharing app.
We're not a pay TV service, we're a streaming platform.
We're not a department store, we're an e-commerce marketplace.
We're not a financial services firm, we're crypto.
We're not a space agency, we're a group of visionaries who are totally going to Mars next year.
We're not a copywriting and graphic design agency, we're a large language model generative AI platform.

Oh sure, we compete against those established businesses. We basically provide the same goods and services.

But we're totally not those things. At least from a legal and PR standpoint.

And that means all the laws and regulations that have built up over the decades around those industries don't apply to us.

Things like consumer protections, privacy protections, minimum wage laws, local content requirements, safety regulations, environmental protections... They totally don't apply to us.

Even copyright laws — as long as we're talking about everyone else's intellectual property.

We're going to move fast and break things — and then externalise the costs of the things we break.

We've also raised several billion in VC funding, and we'll sell our products below cost — even give them away for free for a time — until we run our competition out of the market.

Once we have a near monopoly, we'll enshitify the hell out of our service and jack up prices.

You won't believe what you agreed to in our terms of service agreement.

We may also be secretly hoarding your personal information. We know who you are, we know where you work, we know where you live. But you can trust us.

By the time the regulators and the general public catch on to what we're doing, we will have well and truly moved on to our next grift.

By the way, don't forget to check out our latest innovation. It's the Uber of toothpaste!

#startup #business #tech #technology @technology

Hi, we're a tech startup run by libertarian Silicon Valley tech bros.

We're not a newspaper, we're a content portal.
We're not a taxi service, we're a ride sharing app.
We're not a pay TV service, we're a streaming platform.
We're not a department store, we're an e-commerce marketplace.
We're not a financial...

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@ajsadauskas @technology And don’t forget their enablers - the investors who pour in billions of dollars of other people’s money, the marketeers who hype these “disruptive” technologies and the copycats who naively follow them. “Disrupter” used to be a bad word - how that became a badge of honor is another of Silicon Valley’s mysteries. #disruptors #SiliconValley

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Фраза дня в рабочем чате: "И что они мне сделают, в Сибирь сошлют?"

Контекст: мы и так в Сибири

Maddie :patsMaddie:
@FoxesEveryHour this would be firefox's logo if they made it more complex over the years instead of more simplified
Daughter of Rao

@FoxesEveryHour the world should be in good paws like this!

Dr. Quadragon ❌

щас, разговаривая сама с собой на кухне, сказала:

but first I need to turn this potato into a breakfastable state
прикольное #словотворчество #wordbuilding

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