I made a website. it's called "one million checkboxes dot com". it has one million checkboxes on it. checking a box checks it for everyone. that's it. have fun!
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@eieio I had a nice pattern going. Full width, 10 rows tall, diagonal lines every 3 spaces. Was adding an 11th row when others found my spot. @eieio Even when jumping to a random checkbox over 20000, someone unchecks what you check. Ru: мужик наваливает ультрабескомпромиссной базы, и это бы всем услышать. En: This is so absolutely fucking based, everyone needs to hear that. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Dt21z_BWRMw "The culture shouldn't exist only for those who can afford it." Based. Hakita is fucking based, man. Some Nazi clowns flocked to the word "Based". Hi, Nazi clowns! I will continue to use the word "Based" going forward just to get a raise out of you clowns. And I encourage everyone to do the same. Have fun chilling on my block list.
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@burnoutqueen @burnoutqueen Third time is a charm! Watch us tirelessly explaining to Roskomnadzor how e-mail works! The three innovations in our third reply are that we a) request the international law their request is grounded on (as if they would care) b) communicate that their assumptions, even according to russian laws, are wrong (as if they would care) c) state explicitly that Delta Chat is unlike WhatsApp, Signal or Telegram (doh!) #chatcontrol-delenda-est
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@delta Funny enough this also happened the other way round to the russian developers of the XABBER Android Jabber/XMPP client receiving a letter from the German @BNetzA due to a similar failure to understand how that app worked: https://www.cmshs-bloggt.de/tmc/telekommunikationsrecht/bundesnetzagentur-xmpp-entwickler-im-visier/ -- Алло, Серёжа, есть подработка на сутки: нужно всё вынести, положить ламинат и обратно занести. 🔍 Описание Это мем. На складе лежат гири в несколько ярусов. Гири лежат на поддонах. Справа стеллажи с товарами. Пол бетонный. На заднем плане открытые ворота склада, в которые въезжает погрузчик. 📝 Текст на картинке - Алло, Сережка, есть подработка на сутки: нужно всё вынести, положить ламинат и обратно занести. @neilhimself no longer seems to be active on @Mastodon, so might as well share his words here. #books #writing
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@Christian Mutig 👻🚫 another one who feels the fediverse is too complicated for him ... his books made me expect smth different but i haven't read anything of him for a long time. prhps he changed ...
@Ductos @neilhimself @Mastodon I dunno, #JRRTolkien is still somehow turning out books. I'm not sure being-dead is any bar. 🧑💻 Avoiding Emacs Bankruptcy 「 Emacs is a complex program, to the point that the dreaded emacs bankruptcy afflicts many, in which your config “gets so large that you really need to start over” 」 > All config is debt. Wow. Just... Wow. I always looked at it this way, but didn't have correct words for it. This is such an accurate description. |
Flip the switch midway for a happy ending!! 🎉
@catsalad I can hear the Teriyaki Boyz blasting from here.
@catsalad if anyone wants to know more about the Super Super Chief