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Dr. Quadragon ❌

Давно не постил в #федиготовит.

Порция сливочного пломбира с сиропом irish cream и очищенным миндалем, высушенным в духовке.

kiffa :dado_verified:

@drq звучит как что-то вкусное
И выглядит тоже

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Inderix disability awareness month edition
Remember that disabilities are everywhere, and are there even if you can't see them. Give respect and the basic dignity to everyone.

This means something to me as my brother has ADHD, my mother has hearing issues from birth, and I myself have depression and anxiety.
Be kind to everyone, and considerate of who they are ​:spinny_cat_inderix:​

The Inderix icon with the colors of the disability pride flag across the main shape
Dr. Quadragon ❌

Today, the good people of the world commemorate the passing of Google Reader eleven short years ago on July 1, 2013.

To honor their memory (and in leiu of flowers) please add an RSS, Atom, JSON or equivalent feed to your web site and keep building towards a web that connects people in meaningful and positive ways.

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Angry Sun
@zachleat there were two good reimplementations of it, newsblur and the good reader.
Elena ``of Valhalla''

@zachleat and today people are celebrating the (earlier, 2010) birth of friendica, a fediverse platform that also supports adding rss feeds as contacts

(I don't use that feature, rss2email is a better fit for my own lifeflow, but it's nice that the option exists)

Мя :sparkles_lesbian:

@mittorn не знаю, можно ли отнести мой случай к гиперопеке, но могу подтвердить, что с момента как я улетела в Москву, уведомив маму постфактум (сидя в электричке в аэропорт), отношения с родителями очень сильно упростились :D
хотя к чести мамы, отреагировала она крайне адекватно

@spudi @a1ba @shinsho

Dr. Quadragon ❌
Хуй знает че написать, запощу баян чтобы подать признаки жизни. С защитой диплома меня
@shinsho Хороший мемес, поздр с защитой, я тоже недавно защищался
Dr. Quadragon ❌

it appears to me the cybernetic principle "the purpose of a system is what it does" is contemporaneously misused to paranoidly imply that bad outcomes are the result of conspiratorial four-dimensional chess moves, as if *someone* out there knew what they were doing.

but "the purpose of a system is what it does" is only meaningful as a response to someone believing more in intent and design of a system rather than its actual performance and emergent manifestations.

Leonard Ritter

"the purpose of a system is what it does" can, for example, be used to respond to hardin's "tragedy of the commons" model; hardin derives from example what he claims is inevitable consequence, but he only describes a model.

hardin's model does not guarantee success (in this case, "success" being the tragedy of the commons he deviously envisions). it may, in fact, end in failure with no tragedy taking place - a seemingly perfect design does not save us the work of measuring the outcome.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Трое суток не вылезал из игры, понял, что охренел и срочно вытащил себя на дачу трогать траву. Какой-то прямо релапс в школьно-студенческие годы и задротство с рассвета до заката. ​:02notlikethis:​ Давненько такого не было.

Blue у меня вот примерно так прошли выходные - жена вытащила поиграть в ВоВ, и я ни о чем не жалею)

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Come to the second incarnation of the BFNEC #fediverse meetup here at Offline on July 1st! We have three people presenting on fediverse projects they are working on:
- @twilliability's creation of RSS Parrot
- @raphael will talk about Fediverser
- @by_caballero on "ways to make ActivityPub easier to hack on"
:bluesparkle: We will start around at 7pm, come grab a drink at the späti across the street and stick around for open discussions between and after the presentations! :bluesparkle:

Berlin Federated Network Exploration Circle

@raphael will talk about #Fediverser, how it currently integrates with Lemmy & its future plans

@by_caballero will give an overview of ways to make ActivityPub easier to hack on and more bridgeable to p2p systems, & talk about their participation with the #W3C.

@twilliability created #RSSParrot because he wanted to follow RSS feeds in Mastodon & it was a good excuse to write his own ActivityPub server in Go. He'll talk about the technology, his fears & desires he's encountered in the process.

Alex C-G :python: 🏳️‍🌈

@offline will this be a regular thing? I'm out of town for this instance of the event but would be down for others

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Обожаю запах критической уязвимости поутру.

@rf бегом обновлять все, щас же.

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Masta Live (ꙮ editiꙮn) "A critical vulnerability in sshd(8) was present in Portable OpenSSH versions between 8.5p1 and 9.7p1 (inclusive) that may allow arbitrary code execution with root privileges."
Тем временем Дебиан 11:
openssh-client/oldstable,oldstable-security,now 1:8.4p1-5+deb11u3 amd64 [installed]
openssh-server/oldstable,oldstable-security,now 1:8.4p1-5+deb11u3 amd64 [installed]

Тр3тий Сергеевич

@drq Старые версии OpenSSH (например, 8.9 на Ubuntu 22.04) также получили патчи безопасности от уязвимости CVE-2024-6387. Так что проговорю 1 раз: обновитесь, отсидеться не получится.

Григорий Клюшников

да какой обновлять, у меня версия старее той, в которой эта уязвимость появилась, лол

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