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Jackie (aka Queen Antifa) 🌹:debian_logo:​:linux:

Fascism isn't just some goofy looking mustache man yelling racist things in a microphone. A proper analysis of fascism is required to stop it.

Fascism is a political tendency that is the result of years of scapegoating, racist propaganda, and economic disenfranchisement, that can best be described as a form of revolutionary populist ultranationalism. Typically, the rich and the powerful attempt to utilize the popularity of the fascist leader to benefit themselves during periods of crisis (the great depression, climate change) , allowing the fascist access to the political institutions required to implement their agenda. The fascist then attempts to implement a constitutional coup to give themselves totalitarian control of the political system, and, once achieved, uses this power to purge society of elements deemed impure or hostile to the fascist nation-state while maintaining the oligarchical ownership of the means of production characteristic of monopoly capitalism.

#stopfascism #antifa #socialism

Tanya Kasim

@burnoutqueen Fascism can take place in many forms, to be sure.

Jackie (aka Queen Antifa) 🌹:debian_logo:​:linux:

@TanyaGKasim I am specifically describing european fascism and modern neo-fascist movements such as the MAGA movement, the Kahanist movement in Israel, and the movement around Bolsonaro in Brazil.

Jackie (aka Queen Antifa) 🌹:debian_logo:​:linux:

The other thing I forgot to add is that fascism requires an absence of a united opposition. Fascists never truly win a majority. Instead, they rely on a weak and divided opposition. When there is an opposition capable of addressing the political and economic crisis with effective policies, it reduces the popularity of fascism and increases faith in centrist and left-wing political parties. Indeed, I would argue that FDR's left liberal policies, the most radically left wing policies in American history, relieved the worst effects of the Great Depression and prevented a fascist dictator from taking power in the United States. In Germany, where the opposition was divided due to sectarianism, the fascists were able to destroy their opponents and institute the Enabling Act of 1933, a constitutional coup that allowed the Nazis to perpetrate the Holocaust.

#stopfascism #antifa #socialism #understandingfascism

The other thing I forgot to add is that fascism requires an absence of a united opposition. Fascists never truly win a majority. Instead, they rely on a weak and divided opposition. When there is an opposition capable of addressing the political and economic crisis with effective policies, it reduces the popularity of fascism and increases faith in centrist and left-wing political parties. Indeed, I would argue that FDR's left liberal policies, the most radically left wing policies in American history,...


@burnoutqueen The Centrist Party literally voted for the Enabling Act. Partly out of physical cowardice; violence was well established by that point. But "centrists" are often enablers.

Jackie (aka Queen Antifa) 🌹:debian_logo:​:linux:

@matthewtoad43 the only people that voted against the Act were the Social Democrats. The 81 Communists were kicked out entirely, and 26 Social Democrats were kicked out.

The democratic socialists who weren't radical enough to get sacked were literally the only people who were able to oppose the act.


@bhasic clever
mad props on the username:
Elon Muksis πŸ‘πŸ½

Elon Muksis

@SoLSec Got banned from Elmo's site because of my profile and name.
Muksis is the russian cheburashka in finnish.


@bhasic I am so jelly!!!
That would be an honor way I see it.

🀣 🀣 🀣

Elon Muksis

@SoLSec I knew it was a matter of time when Elmo's all seeing eye would notice and ban me. Free speech absolutist.


@bhasic dude pin that to your profile seriously bragging rights lol

Jackie (aka Queen Antifa) 🌹:debian_logo:​:linux:

Religion isn't an essential component of fascist ideology. Indeed, religion to a fascist is only a rhetorical device. Whether it be the Positive Christianity of Nazi Germany or the evangelical movement in the United States, fascists tend to ignore or rewrite religious doctrines that are inconvenient to the regime, while overemphasizing the importance of scripture that reinforces fascist ideology.

#stopfascism #antifa #socialism #understandingfascism


@burnoutqueen the difference with global warming causing the societal disturbances this time is if the fascist win globally, the will inherit an uninhabitable planet.

Jackie (aka Queen Antifa) 🌹:debian_logo:​:linux:

@timo21 fascism must be defeated, through any and all means, peaceful or violent, legal or illegal. Our future cannot be in question. The last time white nationalists won, 12 million people were slaughtered and the biggest war in human history was waged in order to stop them.

Never Forget! Never Again!

Dr. Oblivious

@burnoutqueen That’s the best summarization of Fascism I've ever read. It reminds folks that this stuff didn't happen because of Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, Silvio Berlusconi or Vladimir Putin. This has been ramping up for at least thirty years.

Jackie (aka Queen Antifa) 🌹:debian_logo:​:linux:

@DaveRussell I mean, Cory Doctorow boosted it so it must be good. I literally just made this post because I wanted to explain fascism and it caught fire.

:blahaj: Why Not Zoidberg? πŸ¦‘


It is quite easy to see that "pure" out in the open fascism raised it's ugly head in the mainstream almost at the same time the last generation that first hand remembered WWII died.

Because that generation KNEW Fascism was more than "funny looking men that yells a lot", but now a lot of people think that it is, and therefore don't think that what they see, or even participate in "is fascism", because the "black and white funny mustache man" is fascism, "not what I am doing".

Jackie (aka Queen Antifa) 🌹:debian_logo:​:linux:

@WhyNotZoidberg another factor is years of corrupt governance by pro-business candidates and war hawks, and the decline of the social-democratic post war consensus.

Pooka🍸Boo πŸ‘πŸ«£πŸ«΅


Yes... true, but just a reminder. Roughly 30% of any population prefers to be led by an authoritarian; and, an even higher majority believe in an imaginary dictator at the head of all tables....

the Amygdalai Lama

an analysis would start withy a cause, not with its methods.
Analysis would ask why they do it, not just HOW.
All we see from NT people all day long is HOW, they don't know why it happens, but they want to be in charge of everything.
Your How To Fascism manuals aren't helping, surprise, surprise.

Jackie (aka Queen Antifa) 🌹:debian_logo:​:linux:

@punishmenthurts some do it because they are genuinely racist and seek to eliminate sections of society that they deem dangerous to their idealized version of their nation. Other people fall for fascism because it provides an easy solution to a real problem.

I'm unemployed -> Mexican took my job
Media is unrepresentative of real life struggles -> "the Jews control everything"
The inflation is too high -> "it's the commies fault"

the Amygdalai Lama

"because they "are," racist.
So I'll be the three year-old: why are they racist?
Some people are racist, some people are not, and you just proved my point, you go to "these ones ARE," but show no curiosity why some ARE and some are not.
There is no "why," for causes still.

Jackie (aka Queen Antifa) 🌹:debian_logo:​:linux:

@punishmenthurts because they learn to be racist due to the already existing racism in the society. People aren't born racist, they are introduced to racism by other people. I could attempt go into the long history of racism and imperialism, but I would rather have someone else with more experience do that. I couldn't give the history of racism and imperialism the treatment it deserves. Fascism is simply the result of previous tendencies within a society.

the Amygdalai Lama

OK, how? Why?
Then you're starting to get somewhere. I'll give you that answer: spanking.
How fascism is what you said.
Why fascism is spanking.
So my problem is if you're not fighting spanking, you're not dealing with "why," and you're going to have this problem forever, every century from now on, just like this, except in a worse and worse environment.
Nobody seems to know this, nobody thinks this, just my Autistic ass.
But the point is I see a million How To Fascism posts and none of them really go to causes, at all.
History does this too, a lot of what and how, no why.

OK, how? Why?
Then you're starting to get somewhere. I'll give you that answer: spanking.
How fascism is what you said.
Why fascism is spanking.

Jackie (aka Queen Antifa) 🌹:debian_logo:​:linux:

@punishmenthurts child abuse is definitely an individual factor on why someone would become a political authoritarian, and indeed I believe that spanking shouldn't be tolerated. But to say that it is the root cause of fascism is a stretch. Just my autistic thoughts.

the Amygdalai Lama

Oh, you're Autistic. So I would say you've been saying the only thing anyone says, most of the world talks the way I'm complaining about.
I'm in another conversation right now with some Autistics about how that's a difference, we expect good from folks and so are naΓ―ve and easily taken advantage of, while normal people assume the worst - they don't ask "why," of fascism, because they assume it to be in everyone's heart and during good times we all just had it "under control."
I think it defines them. ❀️

Oh, you're Autistic. So I would say you've been saying the only thing anyone says, most of the world talks the way I'm complaining about.
I'm in another conversation right now with some Autistics about how that's a difference, we expect good from folks and so are naΓ―ve and easily taken...

Jackie (aka Queen Antifa) 🌹:debian_logo:​:linux:

@punishmenthurts I tend to assume the best from people unless I learn otherwise. Politics is one area that I learned otherwise.

Autistic people tend to not be fascists. That's something I've noticed.

the Amygdalai Lama

I'm always ranting about evolution, how they don't think they're still evolving, how they don't think the environment they create is still shaping us - them - in every generation. ❀️

Jackie (aka Queen Antifa) 🌹:debian_logo:​:linux:

@punishmenthurts I've never really thought about it before. That is definitely an interesting perspective.

the Amygdalai Lama

wow, thank you.
What a pleasure to talk to Autistics. No normal person ever says that. ❀️


I'd like to see some more discussion of what it is like for the general population. What is the day today experience of folks living under fascism? Is there an inevitable moment when the betrayal comes clear for everybody? When "I'm doing this for you" becomes "you must do everything for ME"?
Billionaires make everyone poor and then promise that they are the only cure for poverty. When will we all catch on?

Jackie (aka Queen Antifa) 🌹:debian_logo:​:linux:

@davidarnell for the people that conform to the standard of the fascist society, life is generally normal. But the second you dare oppose the regime, the second you are outed as gay/trans, the second the regime realizes that you are a Jew, you are purged from the society or attacked violently. In other words, you are stripped of your freedom and you are a prisoner to the regime.


@burnoutqueen But if the conformists are more than 51%, why *shouldn’t* they get to elect the asshole they choose. I would like to show them that assholeness hurts both the assholee and the assholer! In the long run.


Thanks so much for your willingness to discuss.


@davidarnell @burnoutqueen

Bro we're all living through this at the same time. There's no past, there's no future, only now. Like, NOW now.

People realize they're living under fascism when it intrudes in their lives. They generally don't notice otherwise, unless people make a lot of noise in the town square / on social media. Alas, that our social media is so divided these days. Kinda makes me wish I could hear what people in my area are talking about.

Living under fascism is just like living under any other system, except with an increasing amount of fear as time goes on. More and more of your neighbors disappear, more and more of the life that you once knew turns to ash in your mouth. Suddenly, you realize "oh shit maybe I should have - " but it's too late, there's no time for throwing bricks, no time for pride marches, no time for BLM. You're fucked now, just like all of us were way back in the day. Great. Hope you like being enslaved, our bones will bear your weight as you march to your grave.


@davidarnell @burnoutqueen

Bro we're all living through this at the same time. There's no past, there's no future, only now. Like, NOW now.

People realize they're living under fascism when it intrudes in their lives. They generally don't notice otherwise, unless people make a lot of noise in the town square / on social media. Alas, that our social media is so divided these days. Kinda makes me wish I could hear what people in my area are talking about.


@gabrilend @burnoutqueen
Man, you’re cheery!
Leave a fella with a few delusions, will ya?

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