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the Amygdalai Lama

OK, how? Why?
Then you're starting to get somewhere. I'll give you that answer: spanking.
How fascism is what you said.
Why fascism is spanking.
So my problem is if you're not fighting spanking, you're not dealing with "why," and you're going to have this problem forever, every century from now on, just like this, except in a worse and worse environment.
Nobody seems to know this, nobody thinks this, just my Autistic ass.
But the point is I see a million How To Fascism posts and none of them really go to causes, at all.
History does this too, a lot of what and how, no why.

Jackie (aka Queen Antifa) 🌹:debian_logo:​:linux:

@punishmenthurts child abuse is definitely an individual factor on why someone would become a political authoritarian, and indeed I believe that spanking shouldn't be tolerated. But to say that it is the root cause of fascism is a stretch. Just my autistic thoughts.

the Amygdalai Lama

Oh, you're Autistic. So I would say you've been saying the only thing anyone says, most of the world talks the way I'm complaining about.
I'm in another conversation right now with some Autistics about how that's a difference, we expect good from folks and so are naïve and easily taken advantage of, while normal people assume the worst - they don't ask "why," of fascism, because they assume it to be in everyone's heart and during good times we all just had it "under control."
I think it defines them. ❤️

Oh, you're Autistic. So I would say you've been saying the only thing anyone says, most of the world talks the way I'm complaining about.
I'm in another conversation right now with some Autistics about how that's a difference, we expect good from folks and so are naïve and easily taken...

Jackie (aka Queen Antifa) 🌹:debian_logo:​:linux:

@punishmenthurts I tend to assume the best from people unless I learn otherwise. Politics is one area that I learned otherwise.

Autistic people tend to not be fascists. That's something I've noticed.

the Amygdalai Lama

I'm always ranting about evolution, how they don't think they're still evolving, how they don't think the environment they create is still shaping us - them - in every generation. ❤️

Jackie (aka Queen Antifa) 🌹:debian_logo:​:linux:

@punishmenthurts I've never really thought about it before. That is definitely an interesting perspective.

the Amygdalai Lama

wow, thank you.
What a pleasure to talk to Autistics. No normal person ever says that. ❤️

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