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Jackie (aka Queen Antifa) 🌹:debian_logo:​:linux:

Fascism isn't just some goofy looking mustache man yelling racist things in a microphone. A proper analysis of fascism is required to stop it.

Fascism is a political tendency that is the result of years of scapegoating, racist propaganda, and economic disenfranchisement, that can best be described as a form of revolutionary populist ultranationalism. Typically, the rich and the powerful attempt to utilize the popularity of the fascist leader to benefit themselves during periods of crisis (the great depression, climate change) , allowing the fascist access to the political institutions required to implement their agenda. The fascist then attempts to implement a constitutional coup to give themselves totalitarian control of the political system, and, once achieved, uses this power to purge society of elements deemed impure or hostile to the fascist nation-state while maintaining the oligarchical ownership of the means of production characteristic of monopoly capitalism.

#stopfascism #antifa #socialism

Fascism isn't just some goofy looking mustache man yelling racist things in a microphone. A proper analysis of fascism is required to stop it.

Fascism is a political tendency that is the result of years of scapegoating, racist propaganda, and economic disenfranchisement, that can best be described as a form of revolutionary populist ultranationalism. Typically, the rich and the powerful attempt to utilize the popularity of the fascist leader to benefit themselves during periods of crisis (the great...

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the Amygdalai Lama

an analysis would start withy a cause, not with its methods.
Analysis would ask why they do it, not just HOW.
All we see from NT people all day long is HOW, they don't know why it happens, but they want to be in charge of everything.
Your How To Fascism manuals aren't helping, surprise, surprise.


I'd like to see some more discussion of what it is like for the general population. What is the day today experience of folks living under fascism? Is there an inevitable moment when the betrayal comes clear for everybody? When "I'm doing this for you" becomes "you must do everything for ME"?
Billionaires make everyone poor and then promise that they are the only cure for poverty. When will we all catch on?

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