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Dr. Quadragon ❌

Monitor model names make for excellent passwords.

​:neocat_reject:​ password is on a sticker on the monitor
​:neocat_sign_yes:​ password IS the monitor

Dr. Quadragon ❌

You know those subway station entrances where there's always some kind of fucking construction or renovation?

And those labyrinthian walkways you went through yesterday always ain't there anymore, and you have to find another way?

A real-life rogue-like!

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@ShadowJonathan well, *someone* has to do it, so here goes:


[Clippy voice]: Hey, listen! Did you know? The plural of medium is media!

Bat Triple Seven

@ShadowJonathan whoever composed this clearly hasn’t been to a truck stop urinal in the last decade or two.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

I think, part of the reason why The Dreaded Terminal is still so prevailant in the perception of Linux is that it's just SO MUCH easier to write manuals for.

I mean, it's way more efficient to say: "run `apt install firefox` to install firefox" than "to install firefox, open the software center [screenshot], search for firefox [screenshot]", select firefox in the application list [screenshot], click install [screenshot]".

The results are the same. Why waste more time drawing a comic book when you can tell a person to just type one line in a box?

I think, part of the reason why The Dreaded Terminal is still so prevailant in the perception of Linux is that it's just SO MUCH easier to write manuals for.

I mean, it's way more efficient to say: "run `apt install firefox` to install firefox" than "to install firefox, open the software center [screenshot], search for firefox [screenshot]", select firefox in the application list [screenshot], click install [screenshot]".

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Dr. Quadragon ❌

The Command Line Interface aka The Terminal has terrible PR. People think there's something really nerdy and complex and obsolete about it, when in reality there's none.

I propose: rename it into "Operating System Chat". Cause it's essentially what it is.

I mean, hell, it worked for certain other text-based tools people nowadays type away on.


It is nice to have both. Console commands are good for exact instructions and batch mode but the lack of visual guidance is a bitch.

GUI allows to do something even when you don't exactly know what it is called or where it is and it HUGE chunk of practical use cases. Especially when there are different distros or platforms involved.

There's a reason most stuff in our life has GUI :)


@drq one reason I can think of is newcomers being *scared* of said box, after being conditioned by numerous jokes (some of them pretty cruel) about the destructive commands.

And command naming doesn't help, making most commands look like arcane language of random letters mashed together (Pacman being probably the worst offenders among package managers in particular) and not even readable *aliases* available by default. It's ergonomic for day-to-day manual use to someone already familiar with it all, but approachability suffers as a result.

And don't get me started on VT-100 still holding on to dear life of ruining the consistency of textual inputs between itself and the rest of GUIs. Like, copying actually *interrupts* ongoing work? Right-click is *paste*? «Dafuq?»

@drq one reason I can think of is newcomers being *scared* of said box, after being conditioned by numerous jokes (some of them pretty cruel) about the destructive commands.

And command naming doesn't help, making most commands look like arcane language of random letters mashed together (Pacman being probably the worst offenders among package managers in particular) and not even readable *aliases* available by default. It's ergonomic for day-to-day manual use to someone already familiar with it all,...

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Mad props to DankPods for sticking with Linux just on principle.

Finally, someone gets that if you want things to move, it's on you, as a user, to move them, and you gotta go beyond your comfort zone a little for that.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

This is a casual-ish screen recording of the in-progress UI state of oolong, my #ActivityPub / #Mastodon server+client.

I started with the traditional four columns but recently switched to a more dynamic style where the utility/controls column and the timeline column are the only constants. As you can see I haven't worked out the right way to make the column widths balance, and haven't spent any time trying to e.g. adjust font sizes when columns are small, etc.

But already, with the paradigm shift of new-stuff-at-the-bottom I like it a lot better than new-stuff-at-the-top interfaces because the natural reading order of text for me is top-to-bottom.

This is a casual-ish screen recording of the in-progress UI state of oolong, my #ActivityPub / #Mastodon server+client.

I started with the traditional four columns but recently switched to a more dynamic style where the utility/controls column and the timeline column are the only constants. As you can see I haven't worked out the right way to make the column widths balance, and haven't spent any time trying to e.g. adjust font sizes when columns are small, etc.


@jeremy That's good. I would like to suggest a couple more must-have features, which are really lacking in the existing clients.

1. Tree-style comments.
2. Hiding read posts from the feed.Features that are usually implemented in more, say, grown-up blogs, on the other hand, Mastodon (not to mention the rest of the Fediverse) has long since outgrown the 500 character limit.

Whoever is the first to implement such a thing will undoubtedly gain everyone's respect ;-)

@jeremy That's good. I would like to suggest a couple more must-have features, which are really lacking in the existing clients.

1. Tree-style comments.
2. Hiding read posts from the feed.Features that are usually implemented in more, say, grown-up blogs, on the other hand, Mastodon (not to mention the rest of the Fediverse) has long since outgrown the 500 character limit.

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@kplx Mein Alarm auf dem Handy: MÖÖP MÖÖP MÖÖP, dazu Blink blink blink. Zu lesen war es wegen des Blinkens nicht, nur das unten OK stand, konnte ich entziffern. Also drücke ich OK in der Hoffnung dass es aufhört. Super, hat aufgehört 🙂 Auf dem Handy war dann nichts mehr zu finden und ich hatte keinen Schimmer worum es ging! 🙁



Если только у тебя не приступ стимуляторного психоза, в таком случае буквально все что ты видишь в сети и вокруг себя внезапно превращается в ЗАГОВОР с целью твоего убийства.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Hey, JEDEC. It's very nice that you decided to finally include ECC capability into the standard in DDR5. Not a moment too soon, really.

Now, it'd be great if you let the operating system actually fucking use it.

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Дед Зеро́

@drq - нехило так, за две тыщи рублев-то

Лафиэль Элентари

Если не ошибаюсь, то в этой плате всего 6 слоёв текстолита. Могут возникнуть проблемы в работе четырёх планок ОЗУ на высоких частотах.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Проебал две тыщи рублев. Обидно.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Today, 23 years ago, was the day freedom died.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

The terrorists hoped that these attacks would send the entire civilization into the death spiral.

And they were right.

Almost all of the surveilance/security theater/thought police/war on terror bullshit we're dealing with today everywhere in the world, can be traced back to that very morning in New York.

The whole "anti-terrorist" shebang scored way greater body count than the attacks themselves, all of them, combined. Not to mention trillions and trillions of every currency under the Sun, that could have easily lifted the entire humanity out of poverty, eaten by the military industrial complex instead.

It's like we're in a bad timeline. I was alive to see it happen, and the world has never truly recovered from it ever since. Instead, it just collapses ever deeper into self-perpetuating self-consumption. This sucks. I hate this so much.

The terrorists hoped that these attacks would send the entire civilization into the death spiral.

And they were right.

Almost all of the surveilance/security theater/thought police/war on terror bullshit we're dealing with today everywhere in the world, can be traced back to that very morning in New York.


@drq To be more precise, it was a process that started roughly about a year before.

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