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473 posts total

This was from terrible maps on threads. An attempt to map Europe from memory


Spotted on an afternoon beach walk on a warm sunny day in Aotearoa #newzealand

A man (50s?) chilling on the sand with his teen son. A kettle is bubbling on a portable gas stove before them. Son is opening some biscuits, dad is popping two teabags into mugs. They grin at passers by.

A woman (30s?) in shorts and a t-shirt getting out of her car, determinedly marching barefoot over prickly grass, boiling dune sand and down into the water without breaking her stride. Once she gets there she wades in waist deep, splashes her face and visibly relaxes. Mission accomplished.

A car full of teens veers (safely) off the road not far from the beach car park. A woman in a bikini gets out and carefully carries a stick insect who's hitched a ride to a safe place on a tree.

Two men (20s?) in board shorts sprinting across the sand into water that's still winter-cold, reaching plum height and shrieking. The profanity is hilariously creative.

Two shirtless men (80s?) in shorts walking side by side, chatting. They've both found driftwood walking sticks and they look like two dignified mages on their day off with grey beards, barrel tums, skinny legs and bare feet.

Any typos spotted in this post are on are trying to justify going to the beach as a way of clearing their brains so they can solve a knotty plot problem in their latest novel. If spotted please give an ice cream.

Spotted on an afternoon beach walk on a warm sunny day in Aotearoa #newzealand

A man (50s?) chilling on the sand with his teen son. A kettle is bubbling on a portable gas stove before them. Son is opening some biscuits, dad is popping two teabags into mugs. They grin at passers by.

A woman (30s?) in shorts and a t-shirt getting out of her car, determinedly marching barefoot over prickly grass, boiling dune sand and down into the water without breaking her stride. Once she gets there she wades in...


​:neofox:​💭 Cronjob that posts "Year of the Linux Desktop {CURRENT_YEAR + 1}" on 0:00 New Year's Eve


Your eyesight is important.

If you work in front of a screen don't forget to take regular breaks to stare into the abyss.

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Tyler Sticka

@robb It’s staring back, Robb, what now

Jason Garber

@robb Your voice matters!

Don’t forget to take regular breaks to scream into the void.


Pretty much every serious photographer here tries to capture photos of the #volcano and the #northernlights together. Sometimes, they succeed quite well ;) Photos from Wioleta Gorecka, taken near Reykjanesvíti.

#Iceland #Eruption

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Menel :xmpp:

Extreamly awesome pictures. Also:
I'm quite sure that means that mordors attack is imminent.


@nafnlaus When I would love to see either, to have them both is amazing.

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Kenneth Freeman

The other person on the other side of the tracks is facing the same problem because his loved ones and your loved ones are the same set on your side of the tracks. This simplifies matters considerably: Consolidate the loved ones and increase the strangers.

Log 🪵

@dramypsyd These people living near the trolley tracks should really form a union to collectively bargain with the philosophers.


One of the greatest values you can provide to an employer is saying No. To have experience to know what's important. If we don't log this thing we will have more retention of what matters MORE, longer. The real world has costs, and those have to be paid.


As a security principal I am in fact the one saying No, we are going to turn that Off. It costs too much. Often, that cost is retention of what matters. Or business impact. There is no limit to the amount of data you can generate about the operations of a machine. And it will cost you everything.


@SwiftOnSecurity I wish more managers understood that creeping the scope of a project is possibly the most expensive thing you can do.


This time in two weeks you could be building your first antenna and communicating with space! Join for a TinyGS workshop


In his talk at DevFest Berlin about MathML, @pepelsbey inserted a slide that it’s not about Machine Learning (but about Markup Language).

And someone came out at that moment.

The person actually went to the bathroom at a very bad time.


@gregeganSF It's in the App Store, in Settings, called "In-App Ratings & Reviews". Just turn that off and you won't get these prompts.


When they reached the woods, the knight reined the horse in, lowered the maiden to the ground, and dismounted.

"I think we are safe now," he said.

"How did you distract the dragon?" the maiden asked.

"Promise you won't laugh."

"I promise."

"I set up a huge cardboard box."


#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

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