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75 posts total
Brodie Robertson

GTK stands for GNOME Tool Kit, prove me wrong

marcin mikoΕ‚ajczak
GIMP stands for GTK2 Image Manipulation Program, you can’t prove me wrong
Brodie Robertson

It is currently 1:24am, and I hear a rooster... roostering, I don't know what the sound is called and this bird doesn't know what timezone it's in

Brodie Robertson

At this stage I think there are actually less than 10 people in the world who want to run the foundation. It's time for another election and they don't have enough nominations again, last time people who wanted to continue basically just got cycled back in and I expect the same to happen again.

Keep in mind foundation isn't just, Wayland, mesa and libinput are also under this banner

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I should do it. Why vote for the lesser evil ?
Matt :opensuse: :xmonad:

@BrodieOnLinux Then it seems like some Wayland folks should want to be on the board. And maybe they could work on a rebrand


@BrodieOnLinux maybe they should rebrand to the freedesktop foundation. Or does that exist already?

Brodie Robertson

How to piss C developers off 101:

Say that even the greatest programmers in the world make mistakes.
Nobody can always write perfectly memory safe code.

Brodie Robertson

For all you devs who care about accessibility this is an episode for you. Today we have a legally blind #gamedev and #linux user on the show to talk about how he makes use of a computer and the issues he's had along the way #a11y



Brodie Robertson

Mastodon Has A Serious SPAM Problem #YouTube

Thank you to @cappy and everyone else over at @hq who was involved in this research

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@BrodieOnLinux I mean I can understand the "if your good at something never do it for free" sentiment. But like come on, a DE is not a strong selling point. And there is so much more that's wrong with that post I wouldn't be able to fit it all here.

And what a weird thing to say on a Linux news forum or all places.

Leniwcowaty :linuxmint:

@BrodieOnLinux don't tell them about Cinnamon... Or Budgie... Their brain would probably have kernel panic, knowing COSMIC is not the first "in house" built DE, that is being shared with whole Linux community...


@BrodieOnLinux I can only hope this was sarcasm - what has the world come to πŸ—Ώ?

Paul L

I'm looking forward to how digital TV tuners will be handled, since a single tuned station typically presents a video stream, multiple audio streams and subtitles.

Currently various media players have to know how to talk to a tuner directly or we use something like tvheadend to abstract this behind http and htsp for a control API, a DVR function, and outputs for streaming.

Tuning one multiplex (24-40Mbps) may have 10 to 50 simultaneous channels so the patchbay would be useful.

I'm looking forward to how digital TV tuners will be handled, since a single tuned station typically presents a video stream, multiple audio streams and subtitles.

Currently various media players have to know how to talk to a tuner directly or we use something like tvheadend to abstract this behind http and htsp for a control API, a DVR function, and outputs for streaming.

Brodie Robertson

It's a new year so I'm putting the word out for the podcast again, if you're working on something cool in the FOSS space or know somebody who is then feel free to reach out

As with last time don't tag someone random unless you can put me in contact with them
#Linux #OpenSource #FOSS


@BrodieOnLinux I'm working on an immutable Gentoo distro known as Xenia Linux if you are interested!

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@BrodieOnLinux I strongly disagree with the fact that Fedi should become mainstream.

Remember that twitter users came to it, and the overall quality of it plumetted until most of them returned to twitter.

Fedi should remain a niche, and should remain entirely community driven without any profit motivation. Any company-backed platform trying to get into it should be blocked on sight on principle alone.


Not an instance admin but moved to an instance that blocks You don't mention my personal reason. I am not willing to contribute with my content to metas commercial app.
Funny that threads makes federation opt-in but mastodon doesn't. At least pixelfeed offers opt-in now.

εŒΏε“­ Nicholai :doom_emacs:​

@BrodieOnLinux I agree with your take in this video, brodie :neofox_amogus:​


@BrodieOnLinux Good for those whose cards it supports 😁


@BrodieOnLinux too little, too late. nvidia will never get my money again.

Random Tux User :fedora:

I'm definitely someone who will benefit from this, as someone using an nvidia gpu.

In the future I can imagine people alternating which drivers they using depending on the game. Projects like supergfxctl could be helpful in such a use case. Already today most game launchers have a lot of tweaks you can do on a per game basis.

Brodie Robertson

Thorium is only not a dead project but there's some hilarious shit going on in the repo, hidden around the browser, and a bunch of his other projects is a bunch of furry and some hentai, enjoy your furry porn if you to want but why is it in a web browser

For context see the links in the comments on this thread

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Okay, so why is there child porn in a browser? 🀨

@BrodieOnLinux Its sad, I was really hopeful about it being an actually good Chromium browser to use as a backup when a site doesn't like Firefox. Chrome and Edge are obviously bad choices, Chromium has no DRM or security patches, Ungoogled Chromium is somehow worse security wise (not to mention the risks with their community built binaries), Brave is covered in controversy, Vivaldi isn't actually open source, etc etc etc.

Not a single good option, which is why I hoped Thorium would grow

Sqaaakoi :flagEnby:​

@BrodieOnLinux something always felt sketchy about thorium and its developer

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@BrodieOnLinux People really out here going through a 30 paragraph essay about how to use steamcmd to not go to windows 10 but then say that they wont move to Linux because "i dont want to use the terminal".


@BrodieOnLinux After couple minutes of browsing the subreddits for windows 7 I still wonder why people want to use out of date and unsupported software as a daily driver.

Ivy forget Windows 7, the local bakery here uses MS-DOS as a POS system ​:mario_flop:​
(although as a bonus the old lady who runs the cashier looks like a seasoned hackerman now she types at like 200 wpm now)


@BrodieOnLinux I've literally been in meetings where a project manager or client described *required* features.

Brodie Robertson

How to kill all community goodwill in a day
Step 1: Make a beloved set of FOSS apps
Step 2: Randomly after years of free support, switch to a 14 day free trial model
Step 3: Sell your apps to company that scoops up every app under the sun
Step 4: Don't tell the community

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@BrodieOnLinux this new stories encapsulates a few bad things in open source

1. phone software sucks - not many good options for apps/OS
2. open source projects need good business models
3. donate to software you love until #2 is fixed

Tobias Hunger

@BrodieOnLinux I do not know why the maintainer saw the need to sell. Maybe the money was direly needed and those were the terms of the contract that was offered?

Yes, this could have been handled better in an ideal world, but not knowing the situation the person is in: I do not feel comfortable to judge.

maybe we would see less of this if we had a financially viable support model for maintainers? Not that I have any idea how that would look like.

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