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Brodie Robertson

Thorium is only not a dead project but there's some hilarious shit going on in the repo, hidden around the browser, and a bunch of his other projects is a bunch of furry and some hentai, enjoy your furry porn if you to want but why is it in a web browser

For context see the links in the comments on this thread


@BrodieOnLinux Worse than that. There some "Silent Hill" pictures in there too.

Nova Leary

@BrodieOnLinux It gets worse, apparently the repo also had some CP too, based on the comments in the issue! 👀

Caek Islove 🍰 ❤️
@BrodieOnLinux Fuck all those pussy snitches whining about "Github TOS". I bet if someone was giving away free weed they'd go looking for a police officer.

@BrodieOnLinux Yeah, they should be banned from GitHub. This makes the FOSS community look like a joke. Seriously unprofessional.


@BrodieOnLinux They even included pictures of botched circumcisions. I don't get this repository at all. These images have been their for a year. Really shows how vulnerable FOSS is sometimes.

Graphic content warning.

Maksym Hazevych

@BrodieOnLinux da faq, lol. Never touching that project, not that I would otherwise.


@BrodieOnLinux absolutely fucking disgusting, what if minors (like me) find this??


@mystie @BrodieOnLinux then I recommend you stop reading the issue immediately, bc there's mutilation/gore in there.

k damn it's dead/unmaintained already? i was right to not use it.


@BrodieOnLinux Kind of funny that the thing people were panicking about the most turned out just to be an anti-circumcision thing. I know activists like to be provocative, but that wasn't the wisest naming choice for that website.

Brodie Robertson

@buonhobo It's a crazy space and there are some crazy people

Brodie Robertson

Along with a reply about whether the project is dead, assuming that's true I will stand by saying you shouldn't use a browser made by a single person


@TheFrenchGhosty @BrodieOnLinux that made my day, you know something is going down rapidly once someone puts that stuff in there. However, I do believe our software should also be funny sometimes, jokes and quirks are in the hacker culture for a reason, not pornography and such though obviously. Maybe more people should start putting easter eggs in their stuff? after all, what better way of showing people that we're not the corporates, we actually have some humor, than doing such things?

Howard Chu @ Symas

@BrodieOnLinux if it's a good project, don't let it be made by a single person - join in and contribute.

Brodie Robertson

@hyc It's not a good project, it's another Chromium fork

aura, magic missile enthusiast

@BrodieOnLinux one more reason to always do the opposite of what chris titus recommends

@BrodieOnLinux I thought it said "Funny porn" at first
Okay, so why is there child porn in a browser? 🤨

@BrodieOnLinux Its sad, I was really hopeful about it being an actually good Chromium browser to use as a backup when a site doesn't like Firefox. Chrome and Edge are obviously bad choices, Chromium has no DRM or security patches, Ungoogled Chromium is somehow worse security wise (not to mention the risks with their community built binaries), Brave is covered in controversy, Vivaldi isn't actually open source, etc etc etc.

Not a single good option, which is why I hoped Thorium would grow


@BrodieOnLinux I did not switch yet for a reason though, I discovered it before the CTT video but the sole dev was a huge red flag, so I hoped a team would join in.

Sqaaakoi :flagEnby:​

@BrodieOnLinux something always felt sketchy about thorium and its developer

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