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90 posts total
kravietz 🦇


Three #nuclear power plants still alive after #Energiewende in Germany produce more energy at ~5 GW installed power than wind and solar together at ~110 GW installed power 🤷

The country’s electric grid holds mostly on coal.

kravietz 🦇

Amy Greer, epidemiologist at University of Guelph

kravietz 🦇

Media in #Russia talk a lot about NATO, gender ideology and other imaginary threats to Russian society, but there’s just one threat that actually killed over a million of people in Russia just over two years 😲

kravietz 🦇

Marcus Mengs posted HTTP dumps from #Instagram mobile app that collects and sends to Meta the following details:

SSID and BSSID of all local WiFi networks, including yoursBLE beaconsDetailed GPS (!) location
kravietz 🦇


I think Greenpeace is already losing ground - their success in this field was based in the anti-nuclear movements based on Cold War threat of global nuclear war.

The generation of our parents was literally scared to death of the idea of a “total nuclear holocaust” and it was welcoming any kind of anti-scientific bullshit as long as it matched these fears. I can see the generation of my kids simply doesn’t get it and their thinking is much more based in reality - “so nuclear is low-carbon? and just two serious incidents over half century? oh ok, let’s have more of it”.

Even people who were initially biased by anti-nuclear propaganda, when you show them, they just open their eyes and see they have been lied to. Which left Greenpeace, an organisation based on private donations driven by hype and PR, with only die-hard anti-nuclear and anti-GMO fanatics, since everyone who had something to do with science left Greenpeace long ago.


I think Greenpeace is already losing ground - their success in this field was based in the anti-nuclear movements based on Cold War threat of global nuclear war.

The generation of our parents was literally scared to death of the idea of a “total nuclear holocaust” and it was welcoming any kind of anti-scientific bullshit as long as it matched these fears. I can see the generation of my kids simply doesn’t get it and their thinking is much more based in reality - “so nuclear is low-carbon? and...


@kravietz @drq there were lists of targets for nukes, and i think they'd be followed if nuclear war actually broke out.

The consequences of nuclear war, even ignoring radation, just the areas of cities leveled, burned can be calculated.. (probably the W53 a good guess, "moderate" blast damage says "most buildings collapse" ftr, it's ~500× Hiroshima..)

kravietz 🦇

#Linux has a built-in DHCP client, which you can use by appending ip=dhcp to the kernel command line 🤔

kravietz 🦇

#FreeBSD world 😂

Although this is from an adversary project, I found the documentation of “The GNU C Library“ very useful.

It just needed a kill -9 to die.

kravietz 🦇

“Bugs in our pockets. The risks of client-side scanning” - a new analysis of the Apple-inspired systems that are intended to scan for child abuse content directly on mobile devices.

The primary argument can be easily dismissed as slippery slope, which it technically is, but some slippery slopes are actually a valid prediction:

But ‘if you build it, they will come’. If device vendors are compelled to install remote surveillance, the demands will start to roll in. Who could possibly be so cold-hearted as to argue against the system being extended to search for missing children? Then President Xi will want to know who has photos of the Dalai Lama, or of men standing in front of tanks; and copyright lawyers will get court orders blocking whatever they claim infringes their clients’ rights. Our phones, which have grown into extensions of our intimate private space, will be ours no more; they will be private no more; and we will all be less secure.

The paper brings actual cases from China and Russia where 1) technical countermeasures initially introduced to combat child abuse and terrorism quickly escalated into blocking literally anything government considers inconvenient, 2) Western companies were actively complying and cooperating with these governments in enforcing these controls. #apple #security #privacy

“Bugs in our pockets. The risks of client-side scanning” - a new analysis of the Apple-inspired systems that are intended to scan for child abuse content directly on mobile devices.

The primary argument can be easily dismissed as slippery slope, which it technically is, but some slippery slopes are actually a valid prediction:

kravietz 🦇

Gripped by Energy Crisis, Europe Considers Breaking Climate Promises and Turning to Coal

This becomes particularly obvious in the case of nuclear energy, which in many respects would be a climate-friendly way of producing energy, but it is ideological concerns that caused the abandonment of nuclear energy, for example in Germany by 2022, and at the moment a U-turn seems unlikely. All of this causes severe energy shortages – Sweden had to power up two oil-based power plants that burn 140,000 liters of oil per hour, while having simultaneously shut down six out of its 12 nuclear power plants.

Gripped by Energy Crisis, Europe Considers Breaking Climate Promises and Turning to Coal

This becomes particularly obvious in the case of nuclear energy, which in many respects would be a climate-friendly way of producing energy, but it is ideological concerns that caused the abandonment of nuclear energy, for example in Germany by 2022, and at the moment a U-turn seems unlikely. All of this causes severe energy shortages – Sweden had to power up two oil-based power plants that burn 140,000 liters...

kravietz 🦇
Если кто то раньше был на меня подписан прошу подписываться на этот новый аккаунт - `` просто сдох что лишило пользователи возможности мигрировать. Сейчас я уже на собственной Плероме.

:umu: :umu:
@kravietz @rf не знал однако что вы можете в русский. :)
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