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I want to send a contact to another contact on Signal, basically putting two people together. How do I do that with the new Signal usernames? I don't see their usernames and obviously not their phone numbers anymore. #signal @signalapp

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As The World Turns

@malte @signalapp


If they are your contact, ask them their username and send it along to each other.


@malte @signalapp I would just ask one person for their username and then hand that over to the other person. Sounds like the easiest way to me and as a nice side effect double checks that person wants to have their contact shared to avoid misunderstandings (probably not too relevant in your case, but as a general nice safety check).


@signalapp I give up. Will have to pass on a phone number (ironic) or make a group (this option seems unnecessarily complicated considering I bring people together like this regularly)

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