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I want to send a contact to another contact on Signal, basically putting two people together. How do I do that with the new Signal usernames? I don't see their usernames and obviously not their phone numbers anymore. #signal @signalapp


@malte @signalapp maybe you can add them into a group together?


@Samlane86 That would be my very manual plan B. But I would prefer if I could just "give them their usernames" - I thought that was the whole point of the change.


@malte @Samlane86 If you know the current username of one, you can give it to the other (preferably with the former’s permission). But it is by design that you can now have contacts on Signal that cannot pass on that contact information to others. Groups are a bit of a loophole in that regard.

As The World Turns

@malte @signalapp


If they are your contact, ask them their username and send it along to each other.


@malte @signalapp I would just ask one person for their username and then hand that over to the other person. Sounds like the easiest way to me and as a nice side effect double checks that person wants to have their contact shared to avoid misunderstandings (probably not too relevant in your case, but as a general nice safety check).


@signalapp I give up. Will have to pass on a phone number (ironic) or make a group (this option seems unnecessarily complicated considering I bring people together like this regularly)


@malte @signalapp yep, a public/private setting for username is definitely needed as well.

This missing feature is a huge unnecessary barrier.

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