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10 posts total
ansuz / ऐरन

I haven't seen much mention of this on the fediverse so far, so I figured I'd give it a signal boost.

Just a few days ago a new data breach was announced affecting a number of very large tech companies. It is being called the "Mother Of All Breaches":

Tencent's part of the leak alone included 1.5 Billion account credentials. Twitter's part is 281 Million.

I highly recommend reviewing whether you use any affected sites and changing both their passwords and those on any other platform where a similar password might have been used.

#motherOfAllBreaches #leaks #privacy

I haven't seen much mention of this on the fediverse so far, so I figured I'd give it a signal boost.

Just a few days ago a new data breach was announced affecting a number of very large tech companies. It is being called the "Mother Of All Breaches":


@ansuz Guess I gotta change my myspace password, I may be one of the 360m effected.

ansuz / ऐरन

every morning I wake up and read a series of articles about all the massive data breaches from the previous 24 hours.

once I'm done reading those I move on to the articles about the latest government efforts to legislate mandatory backdoors in encryption.

ansuz / ऐरन

> whooops, we leaked 38TB of data.

> my bad - 34 years of social security numbers and passports leaked

> what do you mean the national postal service can't rent access to lists of citizen's information?

real reactions from database administrators. they have played us for absolute fools

ansuz / ऐरन

@echo_pbreyer blogged about the latest leaked #chatControl document from the Spanish presidency:

I think this is the third time I'm reading a 100+ page document to see the exact language used to describe exactly who will be targeted by this legislation, and what safeguards will be in place.

Spoiler alert: it's still an absolute dumpster-fire

ansuz / ऐरन

"Recital 12a" is interesting. It seems mostly geared towards excluding the "national security" apparatus from any measures that might be introduced by the legislation, but it also uses some pretty broad language that could include some other groups.

> Accordingly,
this Regulation should not apply to interpersonal communications services that are not
available to the general public and the use of which is instead restricted to persons
involved in the activities of a particular company, organisation, body or authority

I'm guessing this was included thanks to industry lobbying, but I can see it being useful for others if the legislation passes in the proposed form. Maybe the self-hosted group-chat can be framed as some kind of organisation and get an exemption?

That probably won't work for anything that federates, though, as it's murky as to whether they could be considered as "limited to persons..."

"Recital 12a" is interesting. It seems mostly geared towards excluding the "national security" apparatus from any measures that might be introduced by the legislation, but it also uses some pretty broad language that could include some other groups.

> Accordingly,
this Regulation should not apply to interpersonal communications services that are not
available to the general public and the use of which is instead restricted to persons
involved in the activities of a particular company, organisation, body or authority

ansuz / ऐरन

After several years of closely following their legal cases I finally signed up as a supporting member of @noybeu.

It's so refreshing to see a non-profit hosting their site with prominent links to their RSS feed and mastodon account, and without a single third-party tracking script in sight 😍

#privacy #GDPR

ansuz / ऐरन

tired: I'm a bad plant-parent :(

inspired: I'm an amateur botanist selecting for drought-resistance :)


ansuz / ऐरन

git merge:

+ does exactly what its name suggests
+ works most of the time

git rebase:

- not a common verb
- uses re- prefix although there's no "git base"
- literally does historical revisionism
- gaslights anyone who knows the truth
- probably kicks puppies when you aren't looking
- constantly wrecking shit
- basically only exists for "aesthetics"
- forces you into learning about "reflog"

ansuz / ऐरन

you might not like it, but this is what peak UI looks like

ansuz / ऐरन

div.compose-form__publish-button-wrapper button.button.button--block {
background: linear-gradient(180deg, #FE0000 16.66%, #FD8C00 16.66%, 33.32%, #FFE500 33.32%, 49.98%, #119F0B 49.98%, 66.64%, #0644B3 66.64%, 83.3%, #C22EDC 83.3%) !important;
text-shadow: 1px 1px #2229 !important;

ansuz / ऐरन

my partner and I finally chopped up the pineapple fruit from the plant that has been growing for about two years. not very big, but very sweet and flavourful.

Liaizon Wakest

@ansuz wow thats so awesome, do you have pictures? was it started from a top you planted?

ansuz / ऐरन

> Man who made website to rank female students by appearance now aims to achieve "global teen penetration" according to leaked documents

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