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6 posts total

At the height of One Million Checkboxes's popularity I thought I'd been hacked. A few hours later I was tearing up, extraordinarily proud of some brilliant teens.

Here's my favorite story from running OMCB :)

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Ulrich_the_Elder, 🇨🇦,🇺🇦

@eieio I am getting a tad too old and brain weary to fully follow this but from what I did understand this is fucking amazing. I feel less worried about the world. Thanks.


Alright! I've finished a detailed writeup on how I scaled One Million Checkboxes to handle people checking 650 million checks (!)

i spent more time writing this blog than i spent making the site lol

More highlights + blog link below

#gamedev #indiedev


annnd one million checkboxes is over :)

thank you so much for playing. running this site has been a chaotic delight.

build more stupid websites! the internet can still be fun!!

#gamedev #indiedev


I made a website. it's called "one million checkboxes dot com". it has one million checkboxes on it.

checking a box checks it for everyone.

that's it. have fun!

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Ed Hurtley

@eieio I had a nice pattern going. Full width, 10 rows tall, diagonal lines every 3 spaces. Was adding an 11th row when others found my spot.

MicroBlog Castellano

@eieio Even when jumping to a random checkbox over 20000, someone unchecks what you check.


I put Breakout (aka Brick Breaker) inside Google Calendar! It lets you decline any meetings you shatter.

blog info + chrome extension link in thread!

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