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Who needs Unity? I present: Flappy Bird in MacOS Finder.

Complete with tap to flap gameplay, high score tracking, and marqueed banner ads.

Blog w/ details:


#indiedev #gamedev #macos #mac

Timothy Perfitt

@eieio the blog post is amazing. i particularly liked this:

"...was also pretty excited to get to say ā€œI rewrote it in AppleScript for speed.ā€"

Santiago Lema :amiga:

@eieio @icanzilb This is clinically insane. And I mean it as a compliment šŸ™Œ


@eieio Saving this for when I can find a trashcan for a low price


@eieio the Mac pro 2013 is called a trashcan for looking like one (and also because they never refreshed it so it ended up being fairly weak)

But now I'm imagining refusing to touch this game until I find a trashcan at a dollar store and I'm laughing my ass off


@Devourer_ITA ah iā€™d forgotten all about the old mac pro lol!


@eieio flappy-dired is probably much easier to implement because of the extensibility of emacs


@dragestil lol!

But really: does emacs have good ways to animate stuff within the editor? I guess it must because it's gotta have some way to have a background thread running and updating what's displayed in the editor.

I was thinking last week about how I'd do this in vim and realized that I almost certainly couldn't do it just with macros, which briefly surprised me.


@eieio all it needs is a timer which is available in elisp (I'd write a flappy-dired this weekend if someone promises me a spot on HN front-page ;). Also there are already games with animations like Tetris and even slimevolleyball in the official emacs package repository, GNU ELPA. Give it a try :)


@dragestil Ah! Yes, a timer and yielding to the editor would do it.

I will say that with these projects I've been trying to avoid things that are *too* straightforward / too much like typical programming, so we might need to find another constraint :D

Dan Johnson

@eieio and people say there are no games for Mac.

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