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At the height of One Million Checkboxes's popularity I thought I'd been hacked. A few hours later I was tearing up, extraordinarily proud of some brilliant teens.

Here's my favorite story from running OMCB :)

Justin Ferriman

@eieio Love the creativity of your games, Nolen.


@eieio this is straight up the most hacker shit ive seen in a very very long time

what a treat that post was to read! using like, one one thousandth of that energy, several years ago i wrote an ascii art of threatbutt to @da_667's apache logs for giggles, but this is just glorious

John Allsopp

@eieio this is one of the best things I've seen on the internet in years!


@eieio I love this so much. Pure delight.

Emmie (me) I... love how this is supposedly a group of weird gay young adults who incidentally also play NOITA (of course they do)

I can see them change the world


@eieio my son played with that site.. he just kept trying to brute force it with his index finger.

joy larkin 🌺✨

@eieio Aww dang, this was a great read. The young people are alright.


@eieio hahaha this is so great :D
So someone looked at your idea and said:"neato, this is basically r/place... Let's draw! :ablobcatbongo:"

Robert Jan Schutten

@eieio @marcoarment Wow! That was an unexpected ride. Kudos to all the “hackers”
Involved in this!


@eieio the coolest thing I read all week, thanks

Michael Gale

@eieio This is the best blog post I've seen in like 3 years.



Such a cool story. Great project! It is unfortunate that I didn't hear about earlier.


@eieio Great story! And a great response by you to the “teens”. 👍🏼


@eieio this post gave me the warm fuzzies. Thank you.


@eieio God if this isnt the most fedipilled funnoncence i have ever read

Abishek Muthian

@eieio The future of Internet is in good hands.


@eieio A very interesting read, thank you!


@eieio That was a great read, thank you, even though I hardly understood any of the techy stuff. 😄

L'égrégore André ꕭꕬ

@eieio I feel I'm not skilled enough to really appreciate what the kids did, but I'm thoroughly impressed - great post about an unexpectedly moving event!


@eieio thank you for sharing this... It's so cool. Now I wish I knew about omcb when it was up. 🙂


@eieio That's so wholesome in such an unexpected way!

Tom Czarniecki

@eieio That is wonderful. Thank you for sharing!


Człowiek robi program i wrzuca go do netu. Rzucają się na to dzieciaki i programują coś odlotowego.

Co robi autor oryginału?

a) cieszy się
b) straszy je pozwem

Twórca #OMCB cieszy się tak bardzo, że aż przechodzą ciarki (sami przeczytajcie:

Co robi różnicę? Indywidualny temperament? Jak nie wiadomo, o co chodzi, to pewnie chodzi o pieniądze...

Ten wpis dedykujemy twórcom alternatywnych aplikacji do e-dzienników. Obyście na swojej drodze spotykali więcej

Człowiek robi program i wrzuca go do netu. Rzucają się na to dzieciaki i programują coś odlotowego.

Co robi autor oryginału?

a) cieszy się
b) straszy je pozwem

Twórca #OMCB cieszy się tak bardzo, że aż przechodzą ciarki (sami przeczytajcie:

Oliwier Jaszczyszyn

@panoptykon: niestety ten wpis pojawił się o 2 miesiące za późno, Wulkanowy poszedł wtedy do piachu. To była świetna aplikacja – między innymi dlatego, że była na F-Droidzie. No i po prostu umiała przekazać informacje w czytelny sposób.


Mx Autumn :blobcatpumpkin:

@eieio I remember tinkering about with that for a little bit, reminded me of an old MIT student project from the early 00s where people could draw little 8x8 1bit graphics with what was basically checkboxes.

This was a lovely write up to read!

Jonathan Matthews

@eieio Thanks for writing this - it was really fun! I noticed a sentence you might like to correct: "expect they were 10 times" should start "except ..." 😀


Is this game open source like is it possible to self host it?


@eieio It makes me so happy that humans can so quickly see patterns, opportunities, and applications. Why? Because of play!

Hans Gerwitz

@eieio we need to see your "I crashed the mail server" t-shirt


@eieio That reminds me of Pixelflut, which you can often find at (German? European?) chaos/hacker scene events!
Basically the same thing except with colored pixels, only bots and very fast. I don't know what typical bandwidths are, but here's a picture of the canvas at #GPN22 that shows 130GBit/s incoming on the server.
See for info about the network they had at the event!

Jay Williams

@eieio Such an inspiring story. I’d guess everyone replying to this post has written some from off by at some point in their lifetime. Gotta learn how things work somehow…

Rihards Olups

@eieio That is truly awesome, thank you so much for sharing.

A small typo, "the the" :)


@eieio this is such a cool story. It warms my heart that the kids are still out there pushing the boundaries :)


@eieio holy, that is an amazing story on top of an amazing project ✨


@eieio This was so much fun to hear about at XOXO 😃 Thanks for making neat stuff!

Solarbird :flag_cascadia:

@eieio as soon as you said how you stored the checkboxes I was like “oh my gods” and this is 100% epic xD

Ulrich_the_Elder, 🇨🇦,🇺🇦

@eieio I am getting a tad too old and brain weary to fully follow this but from what I did understand this is fucking amazing. I feel less worried about the world. Thanks.

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