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2 posts total
jade pixel

Is it too early for Pride memes?

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$31 for a shirt

Never too late to make a buck, any color will do

(Shirt made in Bangladesh by 9 year old kids making 60 cents a day)


@renegadejade Nah, it's still June (347) (new year is on June 214 and "May 31" is actually June 365 or 366 depending on if it's a leap year)

ネフレン・ルク・インサニア I think this is an pride T-shirt of againsting the law of excluded middle

jade pixel

Billionaires aren’t “self-made men.”

Trans men are self-made men.

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veast / Chloe :3

@renegadejade Okay... but what about transmasc billionaires?


@renegadejade screw you. I'm machine that grabs your dna without your knowledge to clone you, resulting in a true self made man.

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