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Billionaires aren’t “self-made men.”

Trans men are self-made men.

16 comments | Expand all CWs

@renegadejade I just shot snot out of my nose. Thank you for making an excellent point in a humorous way. I need more of that in my life.


@renegadejade Okay but if trans men are made men does that mean they're all in a transgender mafia?


@renegadejade Thank you for the best cackle of my weekend thus far. :blobhaj_tiny_hearts:


@renegadejade Billionaires strike me as Daddy's very special lil' guy (AKA, Francis Buxton) that have been splattered with ooze, TMNT style.


@renegadejade what about a Billionaire trans man?

Max Leibman

@renegadejade Oh, come on, be fair to Elon. When he first came to North America, all he had was the clothes on his back

and a gigantic bag of Apartheid blood money.

The Turtle

@renegadejade in the suburbs of DC, I used to like fuckinf around with young white bros who wrre all AHM A SEF-MADE mayuhnnnnnn!

No, you're a white roofing subcontractor, "Keith" or "Chad." And they disapeard when I asked them who paid for the roads they drove to their worksites.

Socialism is all around you, whyteboyz.

How long did it take you to whittle your truck?

veast / Chloe :3

@renegadejade Okay... but what about transmasc billionaires?

Jennifer Kayla | Theogrin 🦊

@veast @renegadejade

I wouldn't worry too much. Billionaires are never self-made.


@renegadejade screw you. I'm machine that grabs your dna without your knowledge to clone you, resulting in a true self made man.

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